

Your ancestry determines a lot about your inherent biological characteristics--the size of your body, type of vision you have, your natural resistances. These characteristics are only a starting place for who your character is, though how much they influence your character development is up to you.

The ancestries available to you are determined by the GM, though most games allow the core ancestries listed below. Uncommon ancestries may be allowed by your GM, depending on the world and campaign you are playing. Adventurers who come from one of these ancestries tend to be rare in some adventures, so they might not be a good fit for what your GM has in mind.

However, playing an ancestry that is less common among adventurers can be an opportunity for challenging and exciting roleplay. If you are a goblin or orc adventurer wandering through human lands, each shop you visit and every inn you stay at may be an occasion to negotiate the challenge of dealing with people who have survived generations of goblin attacks--people who see goblins and orcs as monsters. How you handle challenges like this says a lot about who your character is. Of course, what is common or uncommon very much depends on your game and setting. In a world of hobgoblin and orc cities, it might be the human character who has to carefully negotiate these social interactions.

Playing a character from uncommon ancestry also gives you the chance to develop a rich backstory. If most bugbears are loaners who stake out a territory and spend their life ambushing travelers, why did you decide to become an adventurer instead? As a hobgoblin, why did you leave the militaristic, brutal society you grew up in to study the arcane? If it's uncommon for those of your ancestry to become adventurers, what lead you to break the mold? The answer to this question can be a driving force in who your character is.

Finally, don't forget that interesting characters don't require odd ancestries. A rich backstory or a unique personality make even the standard human adventurer a fantastic and fun character.

Below is a brief description of each ancestry.

Core Ancestries

Uncommon Ancestries

Ancestral Stats

Each ancestry has a natural predisposition to certain attributes. The size of your character is also determined by their ancestry. Medium creatures are about human-sized. Small creatures tend to be half that in height, and usually have a slower movement speed. The speed listed below represents the number of feet you can move in a combat round and still have time to act (see Combat). Finally, your ancestry determines the type of vision you are born with. Humans see in standard vision. Others have darkvision allows, which allows your character to see 60' in the dark without a light source. Low-Light vision means your character can see twice as far as a human could in low-light conditions.

Core Ancestries
AncestrySizeSpeedVisionNatural ArmorAdult AgeHeight RangeAvg. Weight
DwarfMedium20 ft.Darkvision--50 years4 to 5 ft.150 lbs.
ElfMedium30 ft.Low-Light--110 years5 to 7 ft.150 lbs.
GnomeSmall20 ft.Low-Light--40 years3 to 4 ft.40 lbs.
Half-elfMedium30 ft.Low-Light--20 years5 to 6 ft.150 lbs.
HalflingSmall20 ft.Low-Light--33 years3 ft.40 lbs.
Half-orcMedium30 ft.Darkvision--14 years5 to 7 ft.190 lbs.
HumanMedium30 ft.Standard--18 years5 to 7 ft.170 lbs.
Uncommon Ancestries
AncestrySizeSpeedVisionNatural ArmorAdult AgeHeight RangeAvg. Weight
AasimarMedium 30 ft.Darkvision--18 years5 to 7 ft.170 lbs.
AraneaMedium 30 ft.Darkvision--18 years5 to 7 ft.140 lbs.
BugbearMedium30 ftDarkvision312 years7 ft.400 lbs.
CatfolkMedium30 ft.Low-Light--15 years4 to 5 ft.140 lbs.
DragonbornMedium30 ft.Standard--15 years6 to 7 ft.250 lbs.
GoblinSmall30 ft.Darkvision--12 years3 ft.35 lbs.
GnollMedium30 ft.Darkvision115 years5 to 7 ft.225 lbs.
Half-giantMedium30 ft.Low-Light--20 years7 to 8 ft.300 lbs.
HobgoblinMedium30 ft.Darkvision-- 15 years5 ft.190 lbs.
JanniMedium30 ft.Darkvision-- 20 years6-7 ft.200 lbs.
KoboldSmall30 ft.Darkvision--12 years3 ft.30 lbs.
LizardfolkMedium30 ft., Swim 30Darkvision515 years6 to 7 ft.225 lbs.
MerfolkMedium5 ft., Swim 50Low-Light--15 years6 to 8 ft.200 lbs.
OrcMedium30 ft.Darkvision--12 years5 to 7 ft.250 lbs.
OreadMedium30 ft.Darkvision+518 years5 to 7 ft.180 lbs.
RatfolkSmall20 ft.Darkvision, Scent--12 years3 to 4 ft.60 lbs.
TieflingMedium30 ft.Darkvision--60 years5 to 7 ft.170 lbs.
TritonMedium5 ft., Swim 30Darkvision, Low-Light+230 years5 to 7 ft.180 lbs.
Core Ancestries
DwarfMedium20 ft.Darkvision
ElfMedium30 ft.Low-Light
GnomeSmall20 ft.Low-Light
Half-elfMedium30 ft.Low-Light
HalflingSmall20 ft.Low-Light
Half-orcMedium30 ft.Darkvision
HumanMedium30 ft.Standard
Uncommon Ancestries
AasimarMedium 30 ft.Darkvision
AraneaMedium 30 ft.Darkvision
BugbearMedium30 ftDarkvision
CatfolkMedium30 ft.Low-Light
DragonbornMedium30 ft.Standard
GoblinSmall30 ft.Darkvision
GnollMedium30 ft.Darkvision
Half-giantMedium30 ft.Low-Light
HobgoblinMedium30 ft.Darkvision
JanniMedium30 ft.Darkvision
KoboldSmall30 ft.Darkvision
LizardfolkMedium30 ft., Swim 30Darkvision
MerfolkMedium5 ft., Swim 50Low-Light
OrcMedium30 ft.Darkvision
OreadMedium30 ft.Darkvision
RatfolkSmall20 ft.Darkvision, Scent
TieflingMedium30 ft.Darkvision
TritonMedium5 ft., Swim 30Darkvision, Low-Light
Core Ancestries
AncestryNatural ArmorAdult AgeHeight RangeAvg. Weight
Dwarf--50 years4 to 5 ft.150 lbs.
Elf--110 years5 to 7 ft.150 lbs.
Gnome--40 years3 to 4 ft.40 lbs.
Half-elf--20 years5 to 6 ft.150 lbs.
Halfling--33 years3 ft.40 lbs.
Half-orc--14 years5 to 7 ft.190 lbs.
Human--18 years5 to 7 ft.170 lbs.
Uncommon Ancestries
AncestryNatural ArmorAdult AgeHeight RangeAvg. Weight
Aasimar--18 years5 to 7 ft.170 lbs.
Aranea--18 years5 to 7 ft.140 lbs.
Bugbear312 years7 ft.400 lbs.
Catfolk--15 years4 to 5 ft.140 lbs.
Dragonborn--15 years6 to 7 ft.250 lbs.
Goblin--12 years3 ft.35 lbs.
Gnoll115 years5 to 7 ft.225 lbs.
Half-giant--20 years7 to 8 ft.300 lbs.
Hobgoblin-- 15 years5 ft.190 lbs.
Janni-- 20 years6-7 ft.200 lbs.
Kobold--12 years3 ft.30 lbs.
Lizardfolk515 years6 to 7 ft.225 lbs.
Merfolk--15 years6 to 8 ft.200 lbs.
Orc--12 years5 to 7 ft.250 lbs.
Oread+518 years5 to 7 ft.180 lbs.
Ratfolk--12 years3 to 4 ft.60 lbs.
Tiefling--60 years5 to 7 ft.170 lbs.
Triton+230 years5 to 7 ft.180 lbs.

Traits - Core Ancestries

Your ancestry also grants you certain abilities and aptitudes that come naturally to you. Some of these are inherent to all creatures of your ancestry. Others you are free to choose as they manifest themselves differently in each individual. Abilities that you choose also have an inherent bonus to one or more of your ability scores, as seen in parentheses below.


As a character with dwarven ancestry, you may choose two of the following traits.


All elves start with the following abilities.

In addition, you may choose one of the following traits.


All gnomes share the following traits

In addition, you may choose one of the following traits.


All half-elves have the following traits.


All halflings have the following traits

As a character with halfling ancestry, you may also choose two of the following traits.


All half-orcs have the following traits.


All humans have the following Traits

Traits - Uncommon Ancestries


As a character with aasimar ancestry, you have the following traits

You may choose one of the following traits that you were born with. You may choose to select a second ancestry trait instead of gaining the benefits from your cultural trait.


All aranea have the following traits.


All bugbears have the following traits.


As a character with catfolk ancestry, you may choose two of the following traits that you were born with.


The draconic ancestor or event that defines you was probably many generations ago. True half-dragons--those with a draconic parent--are rare. They often find life difficult, as half-dragons aren't always accepted into humanoid communities. It's also likely that their dragon parent was aloof or inaccessible. For most dragonborn, however, their draconic ancestor was in the distant past. If your ancestors since then have lived primarily with other humanoids, you may have a very humanoid look, albeit with a few very distinct dragon-like features. If you come from a predominantly dragonborn society, your draconic features may be more prominent.

Dragons rarely intermingle with humanoids, and the birth of a human-dragon pairing is very rare, especially among the evil chromatic dragons (blue, green, red, silver, white). Good metallic dragons are more likely to form relationships with humanoids, though still, these pairings are rare. Far more likely is decadency from one of the god-touched dragonkin, those who, in times of crisis, were either raised as champions of all things good by benevolent dragon gods, or corrupted and twisted into servants of evil dragons. Many dragonborn societies can trace their lineage back to the host of god-touched dragonborn--or at least, so the stories tell.

Choose one of the following draconic heritages from which you descend.

Choose two of the following physical traits you have inherited.


As a character with goblin ancestry, you have the following trait

You may also choose two of the following traits that you were born with.


As a character with gnollish ancestry, you may also choose one of the following traits that you were born with.


All Half-giants have the following traits

As a character with half-giant ancestry, you may also choose one of the following traits that you were born with.


As a character with hobgoblin ancestry, you may choose one of the following traits that you were born with.


All Janni have the following traits.

As a character with Janni ancestry, you may choose one of the following traits. While not recommended for player characters, true Janni have all of the following.


As a character with kobold ancestry, you have the following.

You may also choose two of the following traits that you were hatched with.


All lizardfolk have the following traits.


All merfolk have the following trait.

As a character with merfolk ancestry, you may choose one of the following traits that you were born with.


All orcs have the following traits.

As a character with orc ancestry, you may also choose one of the following traits that you were born with.


All oreads have the following traits.

As a character with oread ancestry, you may also choose two of the following traits.


All ratfolk have the following traits.


As a character with tiefling ancestry you gain the following.

You may also choose one of the following traits. You may choose to select an extra ancestry trait instead of gaining the benefits from your cultural trait.


All tritons have the following traits.

As a character with triton ancestry, you may also choose one of the following traits.