
Character Advancement

Once your character has gained enough experience points he or she will advance to the next level. Consult the table below to find out where these thresholds are. The following is a guide to leveling up your character.

Step 1: Ability Scores

Every 4th character level, you may increase one of your ability scores by 1. Increasing ability scores may increase your ability bonus as well. If so, then every skill and ability that depends on that ability will increase as well.

Step 2: Add New HP

You get a new hit points each level for whichever class gains a level. Your Hit Points increase by rolling the Hit Die for your class and adding your Constitution bonus. If you have the Toughness feat, you may add extra hit points as well.

d6Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard
d8Alchemist, Spellwright, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle, Rogue, Warlock
d10Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger

Step 3: Increase Saving Throws

You gain three (3) saving throw ranks per level. Add these to any saving throw you wish.

Step 4: Skills and Knowledge

Skills and knowledge level up at different speeds depending on your class. See the chart below for a summary of how many skill ranks you get per level.

Table 5a: Skill Progression per Class
Progression TierRanks Per LevelClasses
Low2Alchemist, Spellwright, Cleric, Elementalist, Fighter, Magus, Oracle, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard
Medium4Barbarian, Druid, Inquisitor, Monk, Ranger
High6Rogue, Bard
Table 5b: Knowledge Progression per Class
Progression TierRanks Per LevelClasses
Low2Barbarian, Cleric, Elementalist, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch
Medium4Bard, Druid, Inquisitor, Magus, Ranger, Rogue
High6Alchemist, Spellwright, Oracle, Wizard

Bonus Ranks: In addition to class-based ranks, you also get bonus ranks, which can be applied to either knowledge or skills. The number of bonus ranks you gain each level is equal to your Intelligence bonus. Humans gain 1 additional bonus rank each level on top of that.

Step 5: Combat Proficiency Bonus

Combat Proficiency may advance each level depending on your class.

Combat Proficiency TierClasses
LOWSorcerer, Witch, Wizard
MEDIUMAlchemist, Spellwright, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle, Rogue, Warlock
HIGHBarbarian, Elementalist, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger


Step 6: Save DC and Spell Attack

Save DC Save DC = character level + your prime ability bonus. If you have multiple classes, use whichever prime ability bonus is the highest.

Spell Attack Bonus = character level + your prime ability bonus. If you have multiple classes, use whichever prime ability bonus is the highest.

Step 7: Magic Progression

If your character has magic abilities, these will grow as your character progresses. While magic comes in many varieties, they all share a few common features. First, spellcasters have a pool of spells available to them. This pool may be a spellbook, a familiar’s knowledge, intuitive understanding, or a set list of divine spells available. The pool of available spells grows as the spellcaster progresses, adding more spells and spells of higher levels. Second, spellcasters must select certain spells to prepare each day. The process of preparation is different depending on the spellcaster, but usually the number of spells prepared each day also grows as the spellcaster levels up. Third, spellcasters must expend slots to cast spells. These also increase over time. Slots are expended upon casting and are usually regained daily, with some exceptions. The combination of different way to cast, prepare, and get access to magic make each spellcaster a bit unique.

Step 8: Class Abilities

Classes gain new abilities and techniques at some levels. Check your class description for a list of new abilities that you now know. Old class abilities may also level up, so you may want to review all of your old class abilities as well.