
Alchemical Body Mutations


Your skin becomes bitter in flavor. Any creature that hits you with a bite attack must make a constitution save or gain level 2 fatigue until the start of its next turn. Any creature that swallows you whole must use its next standard action to vomit you back up. It cannot take any other actions aside from movement until then. When preparing food, alchemical items, or potions for other people, there's a 10% chance your bitterness makes its way into the preparation.


Prerequisites: Alchemist 8

Your body is suffused with poison. Any creature that bites you or ingests your blood must make a saving throw or take 2d10 hp of damage. Each subsequent round, the target must make a new saving throw or it loses another hit point. This lasts until a successful save is made. The acidity and toxicity of your blood even affects undead.


You can shift the colors of your skin and equipment to blend in with the surrounding terrain. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus on Stealth checks. At 10th level, the bonus on Stealth checks increases to +8. While you usually maintain complete control over this mutation, any skill check that fails with a natural 1 results in you turning an unexpected color. In some cases (like an athletics check) this color has little effect aside from the comical. In others, like Stealth or Persuasion checks, this color will likely cause an unexpected and undesirable result.


You use this mutation to grow a tough exoskeleton made of chitin, giving you a +4 natural armor bonus (+8 at level 10). Your unnatural appearance gives you a permanent -2 decrease to your Charisma ability score.


Prerequisites: Alchemist 4

Your body is resistant to death. When you fall unconscious and are dying, you only lose 2 points of CON damage each round, instead of 3.


Prerequisites: Alchemist 8

You can manifest a ghostly, incorporeal arm that juts out from your torso. This phantom limb does not grant you any extra attacks or actions per round, and it cannot hold or grab anything (including incorporeal objects). You may use this phantom limb to make a touch attack against a foe as a standard action, scraping away at the very fibers of the victim’s soul. This attack deals 1d4 points of necrotic damage per alchemist level (saving throw halves). Creatures that are immune to incorporeal attacks are immune to this damage. You may suppress or activate this ability as a free action, and can use your phantom limb for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier (these rounds need not be consecutive). Anytime you fail a saving throw designed to confuse or befuddle you, you confuse your phantom limb for your real ones, letting go of anything you can't hold on to.


You exude an imperceptible musk that grants you three bonus ranks on Deception, Persuasion, and Intimidate checks. The max ranks (usually equal to your level) for these skills increases by 3. When within 60' of an insectoid creature, there's a 25% chance the creature will detect and be attracted to you, ruining any stealth attempts and drawing creatures closer that might otherwise have ignored you. The GM will determine the exact nature of this attraction depending on the creature in question. This effect works on any insect-like creature regardless of subtype (animal, vermin, swarm, magical creature).


You transform your body to protect your vital organs. When a sneak attack or critical hit is scored against you, there’s a 25% chance that it is negated. On the other hand, non-magical healing attempts on you are made at disadvantage.


Prerequisites: Alchemist 10, preserve organs

You have mastered preserving flesh and applied this knowledge to your own body, turning yourself into an undead-like creature that is immune to cold, stunning, and sleep. To undergo this mutation, you must perform a 30-day regimen of a special diet, rigorous exercise, and drinking a mildly poisonous alchemical tea. At the end of this regimen, you fall unconscious for 24 hours, then awaken as a "living mummy." Your type does not change, though those unfamiliar with you may still think you are undead, and there's still a 5% chance divination magic makes the same mistake.


You gain the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As a free action, once per round, you can heal 5 hit points as if you had the fast healing ability. You may do this once for every two alchemist levels you possess. If you fall unconscious because of hit point damage and you still have healing available from this ability, the ability activates automatically each round until you are conscious again or the ability is depleted for the day.


You gain a prehensile, arm-length tentacle on your body. The tentacle is fully under your control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The tentacle does not give you any extra attacks or actions per round, though you can use it to make a tentacle attack (1d4 damage for a Medium alchemist, 1d3 damage for a Small one) with the grab ability. The tentacle can manipulate or hold items as well as your original arms can (for example, allowing you to use one hand to wield a weapon, the tentacle to hold a potion, and the third hand to throw a bomb). Unlike an arm, the tentacle has no magic item slots.


You gain a new arm (left or right) on your torso. The arm is fully under your control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The arm does not give you any extra attacks or actions per round, though the arm can wield a weapon and make attacks as part of two-weapon fighting. The arm can manipulate or hold items as well as your original arms (for example, allowing you to use one hand to wield a weapon, another hand to hold a potion, and the third hand to throw a bomb). The arm has its own “hand” and “ring” magic item slots (though you can still only wear two rings and two hand magic items at a time.

Special: An alchemist may take this discovery up to two times.


Prerequisites: Vestigial Arm x2

Your vestigial arms are part of a parasitic twin on your torso, consisting of a head, a torso, and two arms. Normally, the twin is mostly recessed within your body, with the visible arms, though you can manifest or hide the twin as a standard action. The twin is helpless, fully subservient to you, and cannot be targeted or harmed. Once per day, if you succumbs to a mental effect that would make you unconscious, helpless, or not in control of your own actions (such as charm person, feeblemind, or hold person), you can reroll your saving throw; success means the twin absorbs the effect and you can ignore it. Using this ability sickens you with level 2 fatigue for the duration of the absorbed effect (removing the effect from the twin ends the sickened condition), and you cannot use the twin’s arms during that time, though passive effects (such as from rings worn on the vestigial arm) continue normally.