

You are a martial artist trained not only in physical combatives, but in the art of harnessing elemental forces.

LevelCombat Proficiency BonusNew Abilities
1st+1Non-elementalist technique, Elemental Training, Elemental Senses, Improved Unarmed Combat
2nd+2Elementalist Techniques
3rd+3Non-elementalist technique
4th+4Elemental Abilities
6th+6Non-elementalist technique, extra attack
7th+7Masterwork Hands
8th+8Fighter Training
9th+9Non-elementalist technique
10th+10Advanced Elemental Training
11th+11Extra Attack
12th+12Non-elementalist technique
14th+14Elemental Mastery
15th+15Non-elementalist technique
18th+18Non-elementalist technique
20th+20Elemental Supremacy

Class Features

Prime Ability: Wisdom

Hit Points: d8 + Con bonus per level

Skill Points: Medium (4 per level)

Knowledge Points: Low (2 per level)

Save DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom Bonus

Starting Proficiencies

Weapon Proficiency: All Simple Weapons

Armor Proficiency: Light and Medium Armor Proficiency

Other: Unarmed Combat Proficiency

Improved Unarmed Combat (Ex)

You know the Improved Unarmed Combat common ability.

Elemental Training (Su)

You are trained to harness the power of one of four elements: fire, water, earth, or air. Your element is chosen at level 1 and cannot be changed afterward.

Elemental Senses

You have an innate connection with your particular element and are able to detect its presence.

Non-Elementalist Techniques

At level 1, you get a non-elementalist technique, just like every class does. At level 3 and every three levels afterward, you get a new one. As usual, you can also permanently allocate two technique slots to acquiring a new common ability.

Elementalist Techniques

At level 2, you learn three elementalist techniques (Air, Earth, Fire, Water). These techniques function in a similar way to fighter techniques. You can learn an unlimited number of elementalist techniques, though they remain inactive until you use a stamina point to use them. The way these function is detailed below.

Learning Elementalist Techniques

Every time you level up, you automatically learn a new elementalist technique, provided you meet the prerequisites. At some levels, you will get both an elementalist and a non-elementalist technique.

You may also learn elementalist techniques anytime from NPCs, other characters, training manuals, or combat schools. Each training source you encounter will have a different set of techniques you can learn (much like learning spells from a spellbook you find). At the GM's discretion, some sources may charge fees for tutelage. Learning a new technique this way takes two days minimum. These days should primarily be spent in training with your tutor, though the 2-day time (16 hours) may be split into smaller chunks and trained a little bit at a time. At the end of your training time, make an intelligence check (DC 15) to see if you have learned the new technique. If you fail the check, you need another training day (8 hours). After each additional day, make a new check. If you are learning from a book or manual, you can divide your time out over any number of days, though it takes nearly twice as long (30 hours). During your adventuring career, the GM may occasionally also award you with a technique that reflects a recent combat-based accomplishment.

Using Elementalist Techniques

All elementalists have access to a stamina pool that represents a measure of their martial acumen on the battlefield. To use a technique, you must activate it using your stamina pool. When rested, you start with a base stamina pool (minimum 1) equal to 1/2 elementalist level + prime ability bonus. You gain 1 stamina point by scoring a critical hit on an attack. The target must not be helpless or unaware of you. Your stamina pool can increase up to double your rested amount or drop down to zero. It resets to your base level after a short rest.

All elementalist class techniques require a point of stamina to use. Many of these are combat techniques that are used immediately, though some last for specified durations.

Elemental Abilities

At level 4, you have learned to master certain abilities that augment your elemental style. Choose one of the following:

Extra Attack (Ex)

At level 6, you gain an extra attack that you can use when making a full attack. When using a weapon, this functions as usual, giving you two attacks, the first at your full attack bonus and the second at -5.

Characters don't usually get more natural attacks as they level up, but an elementalist’s special training allows them to apply their extra attacks to unarmed combat. At this level, Elementalists get three unarmed attacks, each made at their full attack bonus.

Masterwork Hands (Ex)

At level 7, your unarmed attacks count at +1 masterwork weapons. At levels 10, 13, 16, and 19 this masterwork level increases by 1.

Fighter Training (Ex)

Starting at 9th level, you may learn techniques usually restricted to fighters. When doing so, your effective fighter level is equal to half your elementalist level. This stacks with any fighter levels you have. Fighter techniques are activated in the same way as your elementalist techniques and must be activated with a point of stamina. You cannot use fighter techniques that are listed as "Required" focus techniques.

Advanced Elemental Training

At level 10, your control over your chosen element grows as follows

Extra Attack (Ex)

At level 11, you gain another extra attack that you can use when making a full attack. You now have three attacks, the first made at your full bonus and the next two made at -5.

When using unarmed attacks, you get four natural attacks, each made at your full attack bonus.

Elemental Mastery

At level 14, you learn to techniques that demonstrate an incredible mastery over your element. As a standard action once per day you can perform the following.

Elemental Supremacy

At 20th level, your elemental control is unprecedented. Once per long rest, you can use the following ability.