

When you are subject to certain effects, you get a saving throw to avoid or reduce its impact. When you make a saving throw, you roll d20 and the appropriate saving throw bonus. A natural 1 is an automatic failure, and a natural 20 is an automatic success.

There are six types of saving throws, one for each Ability Score (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha). These saves help prevent the following types of effects.

Strength - Prevents forces that would physically move you around, knock you down, or deform equipment (buffeting winds, earthquakes, warp wood spell, etc.)

Dexterity - Prevents damage caused by traps or items propelled in your direction (arrow traps, breath weapons, explosions, etc.). Dexterity saves represent your ability to dodge an effect coming your way. Dexterity saves also are used for instinctive agility-based checks, such as catching oneself after slipping off a cliff.

Constitution - Prevents effects that affect the inside of the body, the health, or magical changes that deform the body (poison, polymorph spells, disease, etc.)

Intelligence - Prevents effects that affect your mental capacity (memory modification, confusion spells, spells or effects that adjusts your intelligence like feeblemind, and similar effects). Intelligence saves prevent being fooled by all types of illusions.

Wisdom - Prevents effects that dominate your will or emotions.

Charisma - Prevents effects that dominate you through social means, through enchantment, or through charm-based effects.

Save DC

All creatures have their own save DC for abilities and spells they inflict on their enemies. Creatures that make saving throws against your spells or effect will do so against your particular DC. All of your abilities use the same DC.

Save DC = 10 + character level + your class's prime ability bonus

If you are multi-classed, use the highest ability bonus.

Most non-player creatures have a DC equal to

Save DC = 13 + the creature's Challenge Rating (CR)