
General Rules for Pricing Magic Items

  1. Determine how the item is used. Choose from the following.
  2. Depending on the function determined above, calculate the Base Cost of the item.
  3. Items may have more than than one type of function. If so, price them separately and add them together. Usually all effects on an item are considered primary effects. However, if two spell effects are very similar, the cheaper ones can be considered Secondary effects (75% costs)
  4. Be sure to always add the cost of spell components and the masterwork cost of the item itself to the base cost.
  5. After all the item's costs are totalled, apply adjustments.
  6. Remember that these tables are only an estimate, and with all magic items, there are edge cases that will break the rules. The GM always has final say on the cost of a magic item.
  7. Other Considerations when making magic items.