

CR 9, N Small Magical beast

Senses: Perception 13, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision, ScentThis special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights. The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed-only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. When the creature is within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source's location. A creature with the scent ability can follow tracks by smell with a perception check instead of using the Track skill.

Speed: 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.  Skills: Stealth 17

Languages: None

Ability Scores: Str 21 (+16), Dex 18 (+15), Con 18 (+15), Int 2 (+0), Wis 13 (+5), Cha 11 (+4)

INIT: +8  CP: +12  HP: 114 (12d10+48)  SA: --  DC: 22

AC: 23  Touch: 15  Flat-footed: 19 [+4 Dodge, +8 Natural, +1 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: Fire 10, Bludgeoning 10  Bypass: +2 weapon

Immunity: Poison  Effect Immunity: --


Bleeding Critical (ex) - Whenever the Aurumvorax makes a critical hit, it also inflicts 2d6 bleed damage on its target.

Ferocity (ex) - When the Aurumvorax reaches 0 hp and is dying, it remains conscious, though it is staggered. It continues to make saves and take constitution damage until it stabilizes.


Environment: temperate plains, hills, or forests

Organization: None

Treasure: standard

Powerful muscles ripple beneath the golden fur of this small yet fearsome eight-legged beast.

Aurumvoraxes are very aggressive creatures, and lead solitary lives except when they mate. Adults typically claim the hunting area within a mile of their warrens, ruthlessly driving away other predators. In addition to fresh meat, aurumvoraxes are fond of gnawing on metals (particularly gold and copper), though whether they do this to sharpen their teeth or because of some nutritional need is unknown. Aurumvorax warrens can stretch for thousands of feet, often winding deep into the earth. The avaricious appetite of aurumvoraxes has earned them the appellation golden gorger among dwarves, who have lost more than a few miners to the dangerous beasts. In battle, an aurumvorax latches onto its victim with its jaws and gouges savage wounds with its claws. It rarely looses its grip before it or its foe is dead. It typically attacks the nearest living creature regardless of size, and ignores any wounds it suffers at the hands of others until its prey is dead. A typical aurumvorax is only 3 feet long but weighs more than 200 pounds, for it is densely packed with muscle and thick, sturdy bones. Its fur is golden, while its claws are black and sharp. Its weight relative to its body size makes it a poor swimmer, and most dislike crossing water, though they can trundle along the bottom of still or slow water if necessary. Adult aurumvoraxes are impossible to train, but their offspring are valued for training as guard beasts. A healthy aurumvorax kit can be sold for 5,000 gp or more to a discerning buyer. Female aurumvoraxes rarely give birth to more than one offspring at a time, and are ferociously protective of their young. An aurumvorax drags its prey back to its lair to consume at its leisure, and its bone-midden often contains valuable belongings from past kills. Uneaten precious metals, discarded gems, and well-chewed metal items can also be found in its warrens. Despite its metallic coloration, an aurumvorax is not vulnerable to attacks that target metal, such as heat metal or the touch of a rust monster-in fact, aurumvoraxes easily kill and eat rust monsters, and some dwarf clans use aurumvorax pets to protect their storehouses against them.

The aurumvorax (also called the golden gorger) is an extremely vicious creature, attacking any living prey within its territory (and its territory often extends up to 1 mile in all directions away from its lair). The aurumvorax is 3 feet long and weighs about 200 pounds. The creature's claws end in razor-sharp, copper colored nails. The aurumvorax's eyes are silver with gold pupils. Small whiskers and hairs near its face are bronze in color. The aurumvorax attacks by biting a foe and holding on with its powerful jaws. It then rips the foe apart with its claws. An aurumvorax that grabs its prey with its jaws does not release the hold unless broken until either it or its prey is dead.