

CR 13, CE Medium Undead (incorporeal)

Senses: Perception 31, Darkvision 60, Hear heartbeatThe creature can hear the heartbeat of any creature within 60 feet. It doesn't need to make a perception check to identify the exact location of the creature, even if it can't see them.

Speed: fly 60 ft. (perfect)  Skills: Athletics 19, Insight 7

Languages: Common, Elven

Ability Scores: Str --, Dex 32 (+17), Con --, Int 5 (+12), Wis 20 (+20), Cha 19 (+19)

INIT: +15  CP: +14  HP: 161 (19d8+76)  SA: --  DC: 26

AC: 26  Touch: 26  Flat-footed: 14 [+12 Dodge, +4 Shield]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: Magical Weapons, Silver, Radiant, Good, Force

Immunity: Bleed, Poison, Necrotic, Psychic, Weapons  Effect Immunity: Con Save Effects, Death Effects, Disease, Fatigue, Life Drain, Mental Effects, Paralysis, Ability Damage, Sleep, Stun, Suffocation, Starvation, Fall Damage, Grapple, Trip, Touch-Based Traps


Incorporeal (ex) - An incorporeal creature can enter or pass through solid objects. It can sense the presence of creatures or objects within a square adjacent to its current location. Incorporeal creatures pass through and operate in water as easily as they do in air. An incorporeal creature cannot pass through a force effect. An incorporeal creature moves silently and cannot be heard with Perception checks if it doesn't wish to be. Nonvisual senses, such as scent and blindsight, are ineffective against it.

Hear Heartbeat (ex) - A Banshee can sense the beating hearts of living creatures within 60 feet, as if it had the blindsight ability.


Wail (Full Round)(su, Sonic, Fear, 1/min) - Once per minute, a banshee may wail as a full-round action. The wail lasts until the beginning of her next turn. All creatures within 40 feet of the banshee when she begins her wail, as well as all creatures that end their turn within that radius, must make a DC 23 Con save. (This save is only required once per wail.) Creatures under the effects of a fear effect take a -4 penalty on this save. Creatures that make their save still gain fatigue 2 for 1d6 rounds. Those that fail take 140 points of damage. If a wailing banshee is damaged during a wail, she must make a WIS save (DC 15 + damage taken) to maintain the wail; otherwise it ends. Banshee wails are supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 3rd level or lower that creates silence.


Environment: any

Organization: None

Treasure: standard

This beautiful, ghostly elven woman glides through the air, her long hair flowing around a face knotted into a mask of rage.

A banshee is the enraged spirit of an elven woman who either betrayed those she loved or was herself betrayed. Maddened by grief, a banshee visits her vengeance on all living creatures-innocent or guilty-with her fearsome touch and deadly wails.