

CR 9, NE Medium Undead

Senses: Perception 18, Darkvision 60

Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)  Skills: Athletics 12, Intimidation 20, Stealth 24

Languages: Common

Ability Scores: Str 17, Dex 22 (+10), Con --, Int 11 (+11), Wis 10 (+11), Cha 15 (+13)

INIT: +10  CP: +11  HP: 97 (15d8+30)  SA: --  DC: 22

AC: 24  Touch: 17  Flat-footed: 17 [+7 Dodge, +7 Natural]

SR: --  Vulnerable: Good 2  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: Bleed, Poison, Necrotic, Psychic  Effect Immunity: Con Save Effects, Death Effects, Disease, Fatigue, Life Drain, Mental Effects, Paralysis, Ability Damage, Sleep, Stun, Suffocation, Starvation


Precise Shot (ex) - This cretaure gets a +3 on physical cover rolls made with ranged attacks.

Improved Critical (ex) - The critical hit range of one of the creature's attacks increases by one point.

Infused Arrows (su) - A baykok creates arrows of bone as it fires its bow-it need not carry arrows as ammunition. These bone arrows do normal damage for arrows fired from the bow, but gain a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. In addition, each arrow deals an additional 1d6 points of necrotic damage on a hit. Further, the first creature struck in a round by a baykok's arrow must make a CON save to avoid being stunned (level 2) for 1d3 rounds. A baykok can fire normal arrows from its bow if it wishes-such arrows, however, do not gain the special necrotic damage or paralysis effects.


Rapid Shot (Full Round)(ex) - This creature gets one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon made at a -5 penalty

Devour Soul (su) - A baykok can devour the soul of an adjacent dead or dying creature. A dying creature can resist this attack with a CON save. If it fails, the target is instantly slain. If the creature is already dead, it does not make a saving throw, although the body cannot be more than 1 hour dead. A creature subjected to this attack cannot be brought back to life via raise dead (resurrection and more powerful effects work normally). When a baykok devours a soul in this way, it heals 5d6+10 points of damage and becomes hasted for 4 rounds.

Dread Howl (su, Sonic, Fear, 1/day) - Once per day, a baykok can unleash a blood-curdling howl. Any living creature within a 30-foot-radius burst becomes stunned (level 2) with fear for 1 round unless it makes a WIS save, in which case it is frightened (level 1) for 1 round.


Environment: any

Organization: solitary, gang (2-5), flight (6-12)

Treasure: standard (+1 composite longbow [+3 Str], other treasure)

This howling corpse swoops through the air with hideously elongated legs and a bow made of bone.

When hunters become utterly obsessed with the chase and indulge excessively in the savagery of the kill, their souls become progressively tainted. When such remorseless hunters perish before they can capture and kill their quarry, they sometimes rise from death as baykoks- flying undead horrors that kill purely for the ecstasy that only murder can bring them. Unlike many undead who feed on and hate all living things, a baykok seeks always to prove its mastery of the hunt. Though thoroughly wicked, baykoks often ignore all but the most powerful-looking foe in a group, only picking off lesser creatures if they dare to get between the baykok and its true prey. When it finally lays low its quarry, the baykok swoops down on the victim to devour the creature's soul in an attempt to make sure the creature never returns to seek revenge.