
Cassisian Angel

CR 2, NG Small Outsider (angel, extraplanar)

Senses: Perception 5, Darkvision 60, Detect alignmentThe creature can detect the alignment of creatures if they are in line-of-sight., Low Light Vision

Speed: fly 60 ft. (perfect)  Skills: Athletics -2, Insight 4, Stealth 8, Planes 2, Religion 2

Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Truespeech

Ability Scores: Str 3 (+0), Dex 11 (+4), Con 12 (+5), Int 6 (-1), Wis 11 (+1), Cha 10 (+1)

INIT: +0  CP: +2  HP: 13 (2d10+2)  SA: 5  DC: 15

AC: 14  Touch: 11  Flat-footed: 14 [+3 Natural, +1 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: Electricity 10, Fire 10, Weapons 5  Bypass: Cold iron, Evil

Immunity: Acid, Cold  Effect Immunity: Petrification, Sleep


Protective Aura (su, Aura) - Anyone within 20 feet of this creature gets advantage on saves against effects made by evil creatures. Evil creatures also take a -4 penalty to attacks against those who are protected.

Perfect Memory (ex) - Though they are not particularly intelligent, cassisians have perfect memories and remember everything they see or hear. They can faultlessly recite conversations they heard hundreds of years before. They also have the power to erase portions of their own memories, which they do (usually under orders from superior angels) to protect sensitive information.

Constant Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) - The following spells are always active: Detect (evil), Know Direction


Breath Weapon (su, Fire, every 1d4 rounds) - 15-ft. line, 1d6 cold or 1d6 fire, Dex save half

Change Shape (su) - 2 of the following forms: Small human-like angel, dove, dog, or Tiny fish, polymorph

Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (1/week)

Environment: any good-aligned plane

Organization: None

Treasure: none

This finely crafted golden helm is decorated with intricate filigree, and flutters gracefully through the air on feathered wings.