

CR 12, N Large Magical beast

Senses: Perception 25, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision

Speed: 40 ft., swim 20 ft.  Skills: None

Languages: Aklo

Ability Scores: Str 20 (+19), Dex 8 (+13), Con 22 (+20), Int 5 (+3), Wis 15 (+8), Cha 10 (+6)

INIT: -1  CP: +14  HP: 161 (14d10+84)  SA: --  DC: 25

AC: 27  Touch: 8  Flat-footed: 27 [-1 Dodge, +19 Natural, -1 Size]

SR: 25  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: Poison  Effect Immunity: Disease


Stench (ex, Poison) - All living creatures within 30 feet of this creature must make a Con Save or become sickened (disadvantage on all rolls) for 10 rounds. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected for 24 hours.

Ferocity (ex) - When the Catoblepas reaches 0 hp and is dying, it remains conscious, though it is staggered. It continues to make saves and take constitution damage until it stabilizes.


Trample (Full Round)(ex) - As a full-round action, the Catoblepas can attempt to overrun any opponents that are medium-sized or smaller by simply moving through their squares. Targets in the path take regular damage (Dex save for half). Targets who fail the save are also knocked prone. Those who remain on their feet can make a standard attack of opportunity. The Catoblepas cannot damage a creature more than once per round with this attack.

Breath Weapon (su, Poison, every 1d4 rounds) - A catoblepas's horrid, stinking breath is 60-foot cone of poison gas Breath--contact; save Con DC 23; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d6 Con damage; cure 3 consecutive saves.


Environment: any swamp

Organization: None

Treasure: incidental

This ugly creature has a boar-like head with short antlers, a thick bullish body covered in spines, and cloven hooves on its stumpy legs.

The catoblepas is an aggressive beast at the best of times, willing to knock down trees, fences, even small houses to eat whatever it finds interesting, be that meal plant or animal or human being. Though it prefers swamps, the catoblepas has been known to forage in plains and forests for short periods before returning to the buoyant support of water and mud. Few creatures linger near a catoblepas's feeding ground because of the monster's bad temper and poisonous breath, and only rot-loving predators such as oozes or exceptionally large otyughs have any interest in hunting them. A catoblepas' primary motivation is hunting and exerting its dominance over lesser creatures in its territory. Easily detected by its foul odor, the creature tolerates the presence of wild animals, humanoid tribes, and even predators that it can bully as long as these things flee or act submissive when the poisonous brute lumbers into view. The catoblepas is known to engage in physical battles with other Large swamp creatures such as crocodiles or even froghemoths. Some humanoid tribes claim to know techniques to domesticate a catoblepas for use as a guard animal, but the monster's intractable nature and not insignificant intelligence almost certainly means magic is involved, as the creature has little need for alliances and can wipe out entire villages with its breath. Some have been known to use their breath underwater, creating a churning cloud of bubbles that kills fish in the area and starves out other creatures. A catoblepas's sense of smell is blunted by its own ungodly stench, and it can't easily recognize rival odors such as skunk musk (though this provides the beast no immunity to odor-based effects from other creatures). A catoblepas is 15 feet long and weighs 2,200 pounds.