

CR 2, CE Medium Undead (water)

Senses: Perception 6, Darkvision 60

Speed: 30 ft., swim 30 ft.  Skills: Athletics 5, Stealth 6

Languages: Common

Ability Scores: Str 17, Dex 10 (+1), Con --, Int 8 (+3), Wis 10 (+4), Cha 13 (+5)

INIT: +0  CP: +2  HP: 19 (3d8+6)  SA: --  DC: 15

AC: 14  Touch: 10  Flat-footed: 14 [+4 Natural]

SR: --  Vulnerable: Good 1, Electricity 2  Resistant: Fire 10, Piercing 5  Bypass: --

Immunity: Bleed, Poison, Necrotic, Psychic  Effect Immunity: Con Save Effects, Death Effects, Disease, Fatigue, Life Drain, Mental Effects, Paralysis, Ability Damage, Sleep, Stun, Suffocation, Starvation


Power Attack (ex) - A Draugr may choose to take a penalty to its attack roll (up to -5). For each point of penalty, the Draugr does one extra point of damage. The Draugr must decide to use power attack at the beginning of its turn and it applies to all attack made until the start of its next turn.

Toughness (ex) - This creature is especially resiliant to harm, gaining extra hit points per level.


Environment: any coastal

Organization: None

Treasure: standard (greataxe, leather armor, other treasure)

This barnacle-encrusted walking corpse looks like a zombie, but is dripping with water and gives off a nauseating stench.

Draugr smell of decay and the sea, and drip water wherever they go. These foul beings are usually created when humanoid creatures are lost at sea in regions haunted by evil spirits or necromantic effects. The corpses of these drowned sailors cling fiercely to unlife, attacking any living creatures that intrude upon them. Their attacks smear rancid flesh, rotting seaweed, and swaths of vermin on whatever they hit. In the case of draugr who manifest when an entire ship sinks, these undead usually stay with the wreck of their ship. Some draugr may be found under the control of aquatic necromancers, while others may wander the seas as undead pirates aboard ghost ships. DRAUGR CAPTAIN (CR 3) Draugr captains have malevolent, burning red eyes. They may be more richly dressed than other draugr, though their clothes are always in a similar tattered condition. A draugr captain is a draugr with the advanced simple template. In addition to this, most draugr captains have additional class levels, usually as barbarians, fighters, or rogues. Draugr captains can also use obscuring mist as a spell-like ability (CL 5th, concentration +8) three times per day, and instead of causing nausea with a successful hit, they bestow 1 negative level on a hit. A draugr captain can even bestow a negative level via a weapon it wields, but if it gains multiple attacks with a weapon, it can only bestow 1 negative level per round in this manner.