
Giant Octopus

CR 8, N Large Animal (aquatic)

Senses: Perception 5, Low Light Vision

Speed: 20 ft., swim 30 ft., jet 200 ft.  Skills: Stealth 18

Languages: None

Ability Scores: Str 20 (+15), Dex 15 (+12), Con 17 (+13), Int 2 (+0), Wis 12 (+5), Cha 3 (+0)

INIT: +6  CP: +9  HP: 90 (12d8+36)  SA: --  DC: 21

AC: 18  Touch: 11  Flat-footed: 16 [+2 Dodge, +7 Natural, -1 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: --


Combat Reflexes (ex) - The Giant Octopus gets a number of reactions equal to its dexterity bonus.

Water Breathing (ex) - The creature can breathe under water.


Ink Cloud (ex) - The Giant Octopus can emit a 10-foot-radius sphere of ink while underwater. This ink cloud provides 3/4 cover and persists for 1 minute.


Environment: any ocean

Organization: None

Treasure: incidental

A storm of tentacles, each twenty feet in length, flails with deadly precision from the leathery body of this gigantic octopus.