
Gibbering Mouther

CR 5, N Medium Aberration

Senses: Perception 12, All-Around VisionThe creature sees in all directions at once. It cannot be flat-footed unless physically immobilized and is immune to sneak attack or flanking., Darkvision 60

Speed: 10 ft., swim 20 ft.  Skills: Athletics 5

Languages: Aklo

Ability Scores: Str 10 (+2), Dex 17 (+5), Con 24 (+9), Int 4 (+4), Wis 13 (+8), Cha 12 (+8)

INIT: +3  CP: +3  HP: 46 (4d8+28)  SA: --  DC: 18

AC: 19  Touch: 13  Flat-footed: 16 [+3 Dodge, +6 Natural]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: Piercing 5, Slashing 5  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: Critical Hits, Sneak Attack


Amorphous (ex) - The creature's body is malleable and shapeless. It's immune to precision damage and critical hits.

Engulf Drain (ex) - The gibbering mouther can attack an engulfed creature with as many mouths as it has available to attack in a round.


Engulf (Full Round)(ex) - A Gibbering Mouther can engulf any creature in its path by moving over them. Doing so happens, requires a full-round action during which the creature can move at its normal rate. Targets get a Dexterity save to avoid being engulfed. Engulfed creatures are trapped inside the creature's body and are grappled (level 2). While engulfed, they are automatically hit by the creature's standard melee attack.

Gibbering (Free)(su, Sonic, Mental, Enchantment) - a gibbering mouther can emit a cacophony of maddening sound. All creatures other than gibbering mouthers within 60 feet must succeed on a WIS save or be confused for 1 round. A creature that saves cannot be affected by the same mouther's gibbering for 24 hours.

Ground Manipulation (su) - A gibbering mouther can cause stone and earth under its body to grow soft and muddy. The ground remains muddy for 1 minute after the mouther moves off of the location. A gibbering mouther can move through these areas with ease, but other creatures treat them as difficult terrain.

Spittle (Free)(ex) - A gibbering mouther can emit a stream of acidic spittle at one target within 30 feet. On a successful attack, the target is blinded for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed on a CON save.


Environment: any underground

Organization: None

Treasure: standard

This horrid mass of eyes, mouths, and formless flesh stares in all directions, its countless maws yammering ceaselessly.

Disgusting, loathsome, and hungry-these are the only words that properly describe the gibbering mouther. A foul beast that lurks in underground caves, sewers, and nightmares, mouthers have no societal, ecological or religious significance other than their ability to drive those that listen to them mad. Some scholars believe that gibbering mouthers are a lesser variant of the much more dangerous shoggoth, while others theorize they are a punishment by some powerful being or deity inf licted on those who have offended it.