

CR 2, LE Medium Undead (incorporeal)

Senses: Perception 9, Darkvision 60

Speed: fly 20 ft. (perfect)  Skills: Athletics 5

Languages: Common

Ability Scores: Str --, Dex 13 (+2), Con --, Int 5 (+1), Wis 12 (+5), Cha 12 (+5)

INIT: +1  CP: +2  HP: 16 (3d8+3)  SA: 5  DC: 15

AC: 12  Touch: 12  Flat-footed: 11 [+1 Dodge, +1 Shield]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: Magical Weapons, Silver, Good, Force, Radiant

Immunity: Bleed, Poison, Necrotic, Psychic, Weapons  Effect Immunity: Con Save Effects, Death Effects, Disease, Fatigue, Life Drain, Mental Effects, Paralysis, Ability Damage, Sleep, Stun, Suffocation, Starvation, Necromancy Effects, Fall Damage, Grapple, Trip, Touch-Based Traps


Incorporeal (ex) - An incorporeal creature can enter or pass through solid objects. It can sense the presence of creatures or objects within a square adjacent to its current location. Incorporeal creatures pass through and operate in water as easily as they do in air. An incorporeal creature cannot pass through a force effect. An incorporeal creature moves silently and cannot be heard with Perception checks if it doesn't wish to be. Nonvisual senses, such as scent and blindsight, are ineffective against it.

Natural Invisibility (su) - The creature is invisible at all times, even when attacking. As this ability in inherent, it cannot be removed by invisibility purge or dispel magic.

Site Bound (ex) - A Poltergeist cannot travel more than 120 feet from the point at which it was created or formed.

Rejuvenation (su) - This creature only remains destroyed for 2d4 days. After this time, the undead spirit reforms where it was destroyed, fully healed. The only way to permanently destroy a Poltergeist is to determine the reason for its existence and set right whatever prevents it from resting in peace.

Telekinesis (su) - A Poltergeist moves objects by telekinesis, as per the spell except that it is continually active. Objects up to 75 lbs can be hurled to attack creatures by making a spell attack. Creatures can likewise be hurled, though they may make a STR saving throw to prevent this.


Apperate (su, Mental, Fear, 1/min) - A Poltergeist can temporarily drop its natural invisibility, revealing itself to be a skeletal, ghost-like humanoid. All Creatures within 30 feet must make a WIS save to avoid becoming frightened for 1d4 rounds. The natural invisiblity form can be resumed at the end of its turn as a free action. A creature that successfully saves is immune to Apperate for 24 hours. Creatures that can see invisible creatures are immune to this special attack.


Environment: any

Organization: None

Treasure: incidental

A ghostly, skeletal figure rises up amid a whirling cyclone of tools, plates, utensils, and other loose objects.

A poltergeist is an angry spirit that forms from the soul of a creature that, for whatever reason, becomes unable to leave the site of its death. Sometimes, this might be due to an unfinished task- other times, it might be due to a powerful necromantic effect. Desecrating a grave site by building a structure over the body below is the most common method of accidentally creating a poltergeist. The poltergeist experiences great trauma over its condition; this trauma twists its psyche to evil and fosters an overall hatred of the living expressed in outbursts of rage. A poltergeist is bound to a specific place, usually a building, room, or recognizable area (a section of a cemetery, a stretch of lonely road, and so on). This place typically corresponds to its place of death or the resting place of its mortal remains.

Poltergeists are undead spirits that haunt the area where they died. A poltergeist has no material form and cannot manifest on the Material Plane. Most poltergeists are evil, as they are trapped in the area where they were killed and can never leave this area unless they are destroyed. This prison drives them mad and they come to hate all living creatures. Poltergeists cannot manifest on the Material Plane and attack by picking up objects and hurling them at opponents.