

CR 7, N Huge Magical beast

Senses: Perception 16, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision, Tremorsense 60A creature with tremorsense is sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground. Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can also sense the location of creatures moving through water. The ability's range is specified in the creature's descriptive text.

Speed: 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.  Skills: None

Languages: Giant

Ability Scores: Str 22 (+15), Dex 13 (+10), Con 21 (+14), Int 5 (+0), Wis 12 (+4), Cha 10 (+3)

INIT: +1  CP: +9  HP: 94 (9d10+45)  SA: --  DC: 20

AC: 20  Touch: 9  Flat-footed: 19 [+1 Dodge, +11 Natural, -2 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: Bludgeoning 5  Bypass: --

Immunity: Cold, Fire  Effect Immunity: --


Power Attack (ex) - A Remorhaz may choose to take a penalty to its attack roll (up to -5). For each point of penalty, the Remorhaz does one extra point of damage. The Remorhaz must decide to use power attack at the beginning of its turn and it applies to all attack made until the start of its next turn.

Improved Grappling (ex) - This creature is an expert grappler. It can use its level + strength bonus when making a grapple. This grapple check still counts as a skill check.

Heat 8d6 (ex, Fire) - This creature generates so much heat that touching it or any metal it holds deals 8d6 fire damage. Any regular weapon that hits this creature must also make a CON save or take 3 points of integrity damage


Awesome Blow (ex) - The Remorhaz can strike its targets with a powerful blow using a grapple check instead of a normal attack. If successful, it deals 2d6+12 damage and knocks the target backward 10 feet causing it to fall prone

Cleave (ex) - As a standard action, the Remorhaz can make a single attack with a melee weapon at its highest attack bonus. If it hits, it deals damage normally and can make another attack against a foe adjacent to the first. The Remorhaz may continue making as many attacks as possible provided opponents are adjacent and in range. Using cleave, causes the creature to take a -2 penalty to AC until its next turn.

Swallow Whole (ex) - When a Remorhaz has an opponent grappled at the beginning of its turn (no larger than one size smaller), it can attempt a grapple check to swallow him. Swallowed foes take double damage (half from the bite and half from constriction). Standard damage (bludgeoning) recurs automatically each round. Swallowed creatures are considered grappled (the creature is not). They can escape by climbing out of the creature's gullet (successful grapple check), or by cutting their way out with a L or VL weapon. If you cut your way out, the Remorhaz is unable to swallow another creature whole against until the wound heals.


Environment: cold deserts and glaciers

Organization: None

Treasure: none

An immense centipede-like beast erupts from the snow, rows of chitinous plates on its back glowing red-hot.

In a world of ice and snow, the remorhaz is particularly feared for the terrible fires that burn within its body. These internal fires cause the armor plates along its back to glow red-hot when the creature is particularly angry, excited, or in pain. Creatures adapted to arctic regions are often particularly vulnerable to fire, making the remorhaz's primary defense an incredibly potent one and securing its role as a dangerous predator in such frozen reaches. Remorhazes dwell in extensive warrens carved into the hearts of glaciers. The beasts use their heat to melt tunnels through ice, tunnels whose smooth glassy sides swiftly refreeze in their wake to create uncommonly stable and numerous mazes. Although the remorhaz has much in common superficially with lesser vermin, the beast is surprisingly intelligent. While not capable of speech, the typical remorhaz has a good grasp of the Giant tongue, and tribes of giants often use this to their advantage to secure allegiances with the great beasts. Frost giants are particularly obsessed with them, for those giants who brave the cruel and deadly burns a remorhaz can inf lict to become worm friends gain a potent weapon to use against their enemies-an assassin capable of burrowing up through the floor of a glacial keep to strike directly against a frost giant's greatest weakness: fire. Other giants use the beasts as living forges, for their backs are hot enough to melt metal. A remorhaz is 25 feet long and weighs 10,000 pounds.