
Shield Archon

CR 10, LG Large Outsider (archon, extraplanar)

Senses: Perception 15, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision

Speed: 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)  Skills: Athletics 7, Insight 15, Intimidation 14, Persuasion 14, Stealth 1, Nature 15, Religion 14

Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Truespeech

Ability Scores: Str 20 (+17), Dex 13 (+13), Con 25 (+19), Int 14 (+7), Wis 16 (+8), Cha 15 (+7)

INIT: +5  CP: +9  HP: 112 (9d10+63)  SA: 13  DC: 23

AC: 28  Touch: 15  Flat-footed: 27 [+1 Dodge, +13 Natural, +5 Shield, -1 Size]

SR: 23  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: Weapons 10  Bypass: Evil

Immunity: Electricity  Effect Immunity: Petrification, Sleep


Combat Reflexes (ex) - The Shield Archon gets a number of reactions equal to its dexterity bonus.

Shield Focus (ex) - The creature gains a +1 enhancement to shield AC and gains a +3 bonus to area of effect saves while using a shield.

Constant Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) - The following spells are always active: Protection (Level 3, 10' radius)


Stand Still (Reaction)(ex) - The creature can make a grapple check as an attack of opportunity. If successful, the target loses all of its movement for a round.

Spear and Shield (Free)(su) - At will as a free action, a shield archon can transform his hands into a heavy shield and a +3 shortspear, one of each only. A shield archon's weapons cannot be disarmed, but they can be sundered. If a shield archon loses his spear or shield, he can manifest a new one as a full-round action. When a shield archon is slain, these two items fade away--they cannot be looted or wielded by any other creature.

Transpose Ally (su, 1/day) - A shield archon can teleport to the location of a willing or unconscious ally and immediately teleport that ally to the archon's previous position, switching places with them. The archon must have line of sight to the target to do so.

Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: Extraplanar (Heaven)

Organization: None

Treasure: standard (full plate, other treasure)

This armored giant is sheathed in metal from head to toe. One arm ends in a spear-like blade, the other in a massive shield.