

CR 6, N Huge Plant

Senses: Perception 7, Low Light Vision

Speed: 20 ft.  Skills: Stealth 1

Languages: Sylvan

Ability Scores: Str 24 (+15), Dex 9 (+2), Con 18 (+12), Int 3 (-1), Wis 8 (+2), Cha 3 (-1)

INIT: +3  CP: +6  HP: 76 (9d8+36)  SA: --  DC: 19

AC: 19  Touch: 7  Flat-footed: 19 [-1 Dodge, +12 Natural, -2 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: Acid, Poison, Psychic  Effect Immunity: Enchantment Spells, Illusions, Mental Effects, Paralysis, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun, Suffocation, Starvation


Power Attack (ex) - A Tendriculos may choose to take a penalty to its attack roll (up to -5). For each point of penalty, the Tendriculos does one extra point of damage. The Tendriculos must decide to use power attack at the beginning of its turn and it applies to all attack made until the start of its next turn.

Regeneration (ex) - Tendriculoss heal at a fast rate, gaining 10 hp back each round. They can even regrow lost parts of their body if they are brought together within 1 hour of severing. They cannot be killed while their regeneration is still active. Regeneration can be suppressed by certain types of damage.


Swallow Whole (ex) - When a Tendriculos has an opponent grappled at the beginning of its turn (no larger than one size smaller), it can attempt a grapple check to swallow him. Swallowed foes take double damage (half from the bite and half from constriction). Standard damage (bludgeoning) recurs automatically each round. Swallowed creatures are considered grappled (the creature is not). They can escape by climbing out of the creature's gullet (successful grapple check), or by cutting their way out with a L or VL weapon. If you cut your way out, the Tendriculos is unable to swallow another creature whole against until the wound heals.


Environment: temperate or warm forests

Organization: None

Treasure: standard

This plant's thick trunk is capped by a crown of wide leaves, whipping vines, mushrooms, and a ravenous purple maw.

A tendriculos is a creature brought into being through a corruption of nature, often where foul magic has seeped into the environs for many years, or where the boundaries between the Material Plane and the mysterious realm of the fey have worn thin. Tales and myths speak of arcane manipulation from other planes, while others speak of a tendriculos as being the manifestation of an angered spirit of nature. A voracious carnivore, the tendriculos is an active hunter when it needs to be but it prefers to rely on ambush tactics, choosing welltraveled areas in the forest where it can lie in wait in the undergrowth. The creature is quick to swallow any prey it happens to catch in its vines, relying upon the acidfilled reservoir in its trunk to finish off prey that may still have a bit of fight left in it. This acid not only consumes organic material with shocking ease, but also contains a powerful paralytic enzyme that further reduces a creature's chance of escape once it's been gulped down by the plant. Although incapable of speech itself, the tendriculos generally understands a handful of words in a single language (usually Sylvan). While they tend to see all smaller creatures as nothing more than food, tales exist of certain creatures, particularly fey or druids, having secured a sort of alliance with local tendriculoses. In such cases, the tendriculos is more than willing to serve its ally as a guardian, so long as the ally is diligent at providing the plant with a regular supply of food. The fact that a tendriculos displays a curious mix of plant, fungal, and even animal traits (in the form of its almost fleshy, toothed maw) has long intrigued sages. That the creature is a plant is firmly established, yet it lays egg-like spheres when the need to reproduce strikes. These eggs are in fact massive, puff ball-like fungi filled with spores-when jostled, the cloud of spores that is released can carry for miles, ensuring that a single tendriculos can seed a huge territory. A tendriculos is 20 feet tall and weighs 3,500 pounds.