

CR 3, CG Large Magical beast

Senses: Perception 10, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision, ScentThis special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights. The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed-only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. When the creature is within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source's location. A creature with the scent ability can follow tracks by smell with a perception check instead of using the Track skill.

Speed: 60 ft.  Skills: None

Languages: Common, Sylvan

Ability Scores: Str 18 (+9), Dex 17 (+8), Con 16 (+8), Int 11 (+1), Wis 21 (+6), Cha 24 (+8)

INIT: +3  CP: +4  HP: 34 (4d10+12)  SA: 6  DC: 16

AC: 15  Touch: 12  Flat-footed: 12 [+3 Dodge, +3 Natural, -1 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: Poison  Effect Immunity: Enchantment Spells, Enchantment Spells


Good Aligned (su) - This creature's natural attacks function as a good weapon for the purpose of overcoming magical resistances.

Magical Strike (ex) - This creature's natural attacks are treated as a magic weapon for the purposes of damage reduction.


Wild Empathy (su) - A Unicorn can attempt to improve the attitude of animals by making an Animal Handling check at advantage. Doing so requires 1 minute of time, and the Unicornmust be within 30 feet of the animal.

poweful charge (Full Round)(ex) - When a creature with this special attack makes a charge and successfully hits, the attack counts as a critical hit when calculating damage.

Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (3/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: temperate forests

Organization: None

Treasure: none

This magnificent beast looks like a white horse, but with a goat's beard and a single long ivory horn on its brow.

Unicorns are fierce, intelligent creatures of the forest, noble beasts who keep their own counsel and typically appear only to defend their homes against evil. They universally shun all creatures except for good-aligned fey, good-aligned humanoid women, and the woodlands' native animals, though they may fight alongside other good creatures against common enemies. A typical unicorn is 8 feet long and 5 feet tall at the shoulder, weighing 1,200 pounds. Unicorns mate for life, and the pairs generally make their homes in specific glades or dells within the vast forests they protect (these regions can cover anywhere from a few dozen square miles to hundreds). They allow good and neutral creatures to pass through, hunt for food, or reside in their woods unharmed, but evil creatures and those who damage the local ecosystem more than necessary through sport hunting or commercial logging are swiftly driven out or killed. On rare occasions, lone unicorns without mates or whose partners have been slain have been known to adopt young women of exceptionally pure virtue as surrogates, allowing the women to ride on their backs and becoming their guardians and protectors for life. This bond generally ends amiably if the woman becomes more committed to someone else-such as a lover or child-giving rise to the myth that unicorns only befriend virgins. A unicorn's horn is the focus for its powers, and in order to use its spell-like abilities on other creatures the unicorn must touch them with it. Evil creatures greatly value unicorn horns as reagents for healing potions and other dark rites, and a single powdered unicorn horn counts as 1,600 gp when used as a component for crafting healing magic.