
Vampiric Mist

CR 3, NE Medium Aberration (air, water)

Senses: Perception 8, Darkvision 60, Sense bloodThe creature can sense the blood of warm-blooded creatures within 60 feet.

Speed: fly 50 ft. (perfect)  Skills: Athletics 12, Stealth 11

Languages: Aklo

Ability Scores: Str --, Dex 19 (+5), Con 16 (+4), Int 7 (+3), Wis 13 (+6), Cha 10 (+5)

INIT: +8  CP: +3  HP: 30 (4d8+12)  SA: --  DC: 16

AC: 14  Touch: 14  Flat-footed: 10 [+4 Dodge]

SR: --  Vulnerable: Fire 3  Resistant: Weapons 5  Bypass: Magic

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: Critical Hits, Sneak Attack


Amorphous (ex) - The creature's body is malleable and shapeless. It's immune to precision damage and critical hits.

Blood Overdose (ex) - When a vampiric mist gorges on blood to an extent that it gains temporary hit points, it moves much more quickly. It gains a +2 bonus to its Armor Class and on Dex saves, and can take one additional move action each round.

Misty Form (ex) - This creature's body is composed of a semisolid red mist similar in consistency to thick foam. The mist does not have a Strength score, and it cannot manipulate or wear solid objects. The creature can speak in a hissing voice. A mist cannot enter water or other fluids, and is treated as a creature two size categories smaller than its actual size for the purposes of how wind affects it.


Environment: temperate or warm swamps or underground

Organization: None

Treasure: incidental

A cloud of crimson vapor reeking of fresh blood hangs in the air, reaching out with lashing claws.

Often mistaken for a vampire in gaseous form or an unusual type of air elemental, the vampiric mist is in fact a strange form of aberrant life. With an amorphous body that consists as much of fluid as it does of air, this creature dwells in swamps or moist underground regions where its vulnerability to heat isn't as much of a concern. Although somewhat intelligent, vampiric mists do not form societies. They sometimes form into small gangs, but even then they show little interest in working together. Much of a vampiric mist's time is spent seeking prey-a pursuit that the monster often shows great creativity in accomplishing. The creatures' propensity for taking on vague, skeletal forms of the creatures whose blood they drink only further adds to their mystique and fuels rumors that they have connections to the undead. Indeed, many vampiric mists enjoy using this common misconception to their advantage, causing foes to use foolish tactics-such as tricking spellcasters into using positive energy against them as if they were undead monsters.