
Water Elemental (Elder)

CR 11, N Huge Elemental (extraplanar, water)

Senses: Perception 19, Darkvision 60

Speed: 20 ft., swim 90 ft.  Skills: Acrobatics 17, Athletics 21, Planes 19

Languages: Aquan

Ability Scores: Str 30 (+23), Dex 22 (+19), Con 19 (+17), Int 10 (+5), Wis 11 (+5), Cha 11 (+5)

INIT: +6  CP: +16  HP: 152 (16d10+64)  SA: --  DC: 24

AC: 26  Touch: 15  Flat-footed: 19 [+7 Dodge, +11 Natural, -2 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: Adamantine

Immunity: Bleed, Poison  Effect Immunity: Critical Hits, Paralysis, Sneak Attack, Sleep, Stun, Suffocation, Starvation


Power Attack (ex) - A Water Elemental (Elder) may choose to take a penalty to its attack roll (up to -5). For each point of penalty, the Water Elemental (Elder) does one extra point of damage. The Water Elemental (Elder) must decide to use power attack at the beginning of its turn and it applies to all attack made until the start of its next turn.

Drench (ex) - This creature's touch puts out non-magical flames of Large size or smaller. The creature can dispel magical fire it touches as if it had cast dispel magic (level 3).


Vortex (su) - This creature can transform itself into a 60-foot tall vortex for 8 rounds. The vortex is 5' wide at the base and 30 feet wide at the top. In vortex form, this creature does not provoke attacks of opportunity, threaten creatures, or make normal attacks. Creatures who come into contact with it must make DEX save to avoid taking 2d8+7 damage from debris. If they fail this save and are smaller than the vortex, they must also make a STR save or be sucked into it. Creatures trapped in the vortex are considered to be grappled (level 2, dominated). They are carried along with it and cannot move on their own. They also automatically take damage again each round. Creatures with a swim speed may make a STR save each round to try to escape the vortex. The vortex obscures all vision beyond 5 feet.

Cleave (ex) - As a standard action, the Water Elemental (Elder) can make a single attack with a melee weapon at its highest attack bonus. If it hits, it deals damage normally and can make another attack against a foe adjacent to the first. The Water Elemental (Elder) may continue making as many attacks as possible provided opponents are adjacent and in range. Using cleave, causes the creature to take a -2 penalty to AC until its next turn.


Environment: Extraplanar (Plane of Water)

Organization: None

Treasure: none

This translucent creature's shape shifts between a spinning column of water and a crashing wave.

Water elementals are patient, relentless creatures made of living fresh or salt water. They prefer to hide or drag their opponents into the water to gain an advantage. As with other elementals, all water elementals have their own unique shapes and appearances. Most appear as wave-like creatures with vaguely humanoid faces and smaller wave arms to either side. Another common form is that of any aquatic creature, such as a shark or octopus, but made entirely out of water. Elemental Height Weight Vortex Save DC Vortex Height Small 4 ft. 34 lbs. 13 10-20 ft. Medium 8 ft. 280 lbs. 15 10-30 ft. Large 16 ft. 2,250 lbs. 19 10-40 ft. Huge 32 ft. 18,000 lbs. 22 10-50 ft. Greater 36 ft. 21,000 lbs. 25 10-60 ft. Elder 40 ft. 24,000 lbs. 28 10-60 ft.