

When you are injured by a contaminated attack, touch an item smeared with diseased matter, or consume disease-tainted food or drink, you must make an immediate constitution saving throw. If you succeed, the disease has no effect--your immune system will fight off the infection. If you fail, you take damage after an onset (incubation) period. Once per day afterward, you must make a successful constitution saving throw to avoid repeated damage. Two successful saving throws in a row indicate that you have fought off the disease and recovers, taking no more damage. These constitution saving throws can be rolled secretly so that the player doesn't know whether the disease has taken hold.

Following are a few examples of possible disease types.

NameInfection TypeSave DCOnsetEffect
Blinding Sicknessingested161d3 days1d4 Str damage, if more than 2 Str damage, target must make an additional Con save or be permanently blinded
Bubonic Plagueinjury or inhaled171 day1d4 Con damage and 1 Cha damage and target is fatigued (level 1)
Cackle Feverinhaled161 day1d6 Wis damage
Demon Feverinjury181 day1d6 Con damage, target must make a second Con save or 1 point of the damage afflicted instead
Dengue Feverinjury121 week1d4 Dex damage
Devil Chillsinjury141d4 days1d4 Str damage
Dysenterycontact or injury161d3 days1d6 nonlethal damage and target is fatigued (level 1) and staggered
Filth Feverinjury121d3 days1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage
Ghoul Feverinjury131 day1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex damage
Malaria (Jungle Fever)injury181d3 days1d3 Str damage and 1d3 Con damage and target is fatigued (level 1)
Mindfireinhaled121 day1d4 Int damage
Red Acheinjury151d3 days1d6 Str damage
Shakescontact131 day1d8 Dex damage
Sleeping Sicknessinjury141d2 days1d4 Wis damage and target is fatigued (level 1)
Slimy Doomcontact141 day1d4 Con damage, target must make a second Con save or 1 point of the damage is afflicted instead
Tetanusinjury141d6 days1d4 Dex. Each time someone takes Dexterity damage from tetanus, there's a 50% chance his jaw muscles stiffen, preventing speech and the use of spells with verbal components for the next 24 hours.