

BlowgunDart5 cp.
BowAdamantine Arrow700 gp.
Arrows5 cp.
Barbed Arrow1 sp.
Flight Arrow1 sp.
Incendiary Arrow5 sp.
Silver Arrow2 gp.
CrossbowAcid Bolt40 gp.
Bolt1 sp.
Fire Bolt20 gp.
Repeating Bolts2 sp.
FirearmBullet (Lead)2 cp.
Gunpowder5 gp
SlingSling Bullet1 cp.

Dart: A small dart designed to be shot through a blowgun, possibly as a vehicle for poison or other effect.

Arrows: Standard arrows are usually purchased in groups of 20.

Barbed Arrow: This arrow is designed to stick in a solid surface and be difficult to remove. Barbed arrows usually have a loop on the shaft that can be used to attach a rope to.

Flight Arrow: These arrows are designed to travel a longer distance, though they deal less damage. The range increment when using flight arrows is 50% longer, though they deal damage as if the bow shooting them were one grade lower.

Incendiary Arrow: Incendiary arrows have points that contain flammable material. When an incendiary arrow hits its target, it deals 1 extra point of fire damage. On a critical hit, the target must make a Dexterity save or catch fire. Shooting an incendiary arrow incurs a -1 penalty to attack. You can light up to 6 incendiary arrows as a full round action.

Silver Arrow: These arrows come with head tipped in alchemical silver, making them particularly dangerous to creatures vulnerable to it.

Acid Bolt: These bolts are tipped with a glass ball filled with acid. On a successful hit, they deal an extra 1d4 acid damage (no splash).

Bolt: Bolts are sold in a case or quiver that hold 10 bolts.

Fire Bolt: These bolts contain a head filled with alchemical agents that burst into flame when mixed. On impact, fire bolts deal an additional 1d4 points of fire damage.

Repeating Bolt: These bolts are sold in a magazine containing 5 bolts which can be used with a repeating crossbow.

Bullet (Lead): Bullets for firearms are incredibly inexpensive, requiring little skill to craft (DC 10 Craft - Firearms). These lead balls are also incredibly inexpensive and can be made out of regular lead and melted to shape.

Gunpowder: Gunpowder requires some skill to mix properly but can be crafted with either a Craft - Firearms or Craft - Alchemy check. Gunpowder must be kept dry or it fails to work properly.

Sling Bullet: These small stones are shaped from clay or lead and can be easily launched from a sling when suitable rocks can't be found.

Masterwork Ammunition

Like arms and armor, ammunition can be masterwork as well. These ammunition pieces are a higher quality than your average bolt or arrow.

Masterwork BonusExtra Cost per Piece
+1+6 gp.
+2+25 gp.
+3+150 gp.

When magic or masterwork ammunition misses its target, there's a 50% chance it breaks or is otherwise rendered useless. Magic or masterwork ammunition that hit its target always loses its magical or masterwork qualities. The enhancement bonus of masterwork ammunition does not stack with any enhancement bonus of the projectile weapon firing it.

Magic Ammunition

Ammunition can be enchanted to add extra damage or to create a magical effect. See Magical Weapons for a full description of rules around these types of ammunition. For reference, common types of ammo enchantments are listed below. All of these types of ammunition count as +1 masterwork/magical items.

Special AbilityCost per Piece
Anarchic150 gp.
Axiomatic150 gp.
Bane150 gp.
Brilliant Energy500 gp.
Corrosive (Acid)25 gp.
Distance25 gp.
Flaming25 gp.
Flaming Burst150 gp.
Frost25 gp.
Holy150 gp.
Icy Burst150 gp.
Seeking25 gp.
Shock25 gp.
Shocking Burst150 gp.
Thundering25 gp.
Unholy150 gp.

Anarchic Deals 2d6 extra damage to lawful creatures.

Axiomatic Deals 2d6 extra damage to chaotic creatures.

Bane Deals 2d6 extra damage to one particular creature type. These count as +3 weapons.

Brilliant Energy Gives off light for 20-feet. These arrows ignore armor and shields, resolving against touch AC.

Corrosive (Acid) Deal an extra 1d6 acid damage on contact.

Distance Double each range.

Flaming Deals an extra 1d6 fire damage on contact.

Flaming Burst Deals 1d6 fire damage plus an extra 1d10 fire damage on a critical hit.

Frost Deals an extra 1d6 cold damage on contact.

Holy Deals an extra 2d6 radiant damage against evil creatures.

Icy Burst Deals 1d6 cold damage on contact plus 1d10 extra cold damage on a critical hit.

Seeking Ignores cover when shot at the target.

Shock Deals an extra 1d6 electricity damage on contact.

Shocking Burst Deals an extra 1d6 electricity damage plus an extra 1d10 on a critical hit.

Thundering Deals 1d8 sonic damage on a critical hit. Target must make a Con save or become deafened.

Unholy Deals an extra 2d6 necrotic damage to good creatures.

Sleep Target must make a DC 11 Wis save or fall asleep when hit.

Special Magic Ammunition Types

Burrowing Bullet

This +1 sling bullet deals normal damage, but when it hits a living creature, it burrows into the creature's flesh, causing wracking pain until removed or until the bullet burrows its way out of the creature. While these bullets burrow, the creature is staggered. This effect lasts for 1d3 rounds or until the bullet is removed with a DC 15 Medicine check made as a standard action. Greater burrowing bullets take longer to pass though the bodies of living creatures (the staggered effect lasts 1d3+2 rounds) and are harder to remove (DC 20 Medicine check as a standard action).

Aura: Moderate Necromancy

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 30 (standard) or 34 (greater)

Construction Requirements: symbol of pain (level 5 [standard] or level 7 [greater])

Price: 1,700 gp

Hushing Arrow

This +1 arrow makes no sound on release or as it flies through the air. A creature struck by a hushing arrow must succeed at a DC 13 Wis save or be affected by silence (as the spell) for 5 rounds. The silence effect is not triggered by arrows that miss or those that strike an inanimate object. Greater quality arrows have a DC 16 Wis save. Hushing bolts and greater hushing bolts can also be made; they share the same statistics as hushing arrows and greater hushing arrows, except they weigh 1/10 of a pound per bolt.

Aura: Faint Illusion

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 26

Construction Requirements: silence

Price: 1,050 gp

Screaming Bolt

One of these +2 bolts screams when fired, forcing all enemies within 20 feet of the path of the bolt to succeed on a DC 14 WIS save or add one level of fear. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Aura: Faint enchantment

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 24

Construction Requirements: fear (level 2)

Price: 250 gp

Slaying Arrow

This +1 arrow is keyed to a particular type or subtype of creature. If it strikes such a creature, the target must make a DC 20 Con save or die (or, in the case of unliving targets, be destroyed) instantly. Note that even creatures normally exempt from Con saves (undead and constructs) are subject to this attack. When keyed to a living creature, this is a death effect (and thus death ward protects a target). To determine the type or subtype of creature the arrow is keyed to, roll on the table below. Greater quality arrows have a DC of 23.

d%Designated Type or Subtype
40Humanoids, aquatic
41-42Humanoids, dwarf
43-44Humanoids, elf
45Humanoids, gnoll
46Humanoids, gnome
47-49Humanoids, goblinoid
50Humanoids, halfling
51-54Humanoids, human
55-57Humanoids, reptilian
58-60Humanoids, orc
61-65Magical beasts
66-70Monstrous humanoids
73Outsiders, air
74-76Outsiders, chaotic
77Outsiders, earth
78-80Outsiders, evil
81Outsiders, fire
82-84Outsiders, good
85-87Outsiders, lawful
88Outsiders, water

Aura: Strong necromancy

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 34

Construction Requirements: finger of death

Price: 2,280 gp (standard), 4,050 gp (greater)

Sleep Arrow

This +1 arrow is painted white and has white fletching. If it strikes a foe so that it would deal damage it forces the target to make a DC 11 Wis save or fall asleep. Sleep Arrows cannot kill a target. If they inflict enough damage to reduce a target to 0 hp, instead of dying, the target falls asleep (no save).

Aura: Faint enchantment

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 22

Construction Requirements: sleep

Price: 130 gp

Tangle Bolt

Often etched with images of spider webs or swampy vines, this sickly green +1 seeking bolt transforms into sticky goo when it hits, entangling its target and becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. In addition to the bolt's damage, the target is entangled as if it had been hit by a tanglefoot bag.

Aura: Faint conjuration

Activation: Use-Activated DC: 26

Construction Requirements: web, craft (alchemy) 5

Price: 250 gp