

Useful herbs and other plants can be found in the wilderness, though they may be purchased in shops as well.

Angelstep100 gp.--181 doseDifficult2025 gp.4 hrs.
Barbarian chew1 gp.--121d4 doses--------
Belladonna2 gp.--121d4 doses--------
Black Amaranth100 gp.--181 doseDifficult2025 gp.1 hr.
Bloody Mandrake10 gp.--201d4 dosesSimple102 gp.4 hrs.
Bone Reed100 gp.--241 doseDifficult2025 gp.8 hrs.
Cloud Puff25 gp.--181 doseAverage156 gp.5 hrs.
Dragon Rose25 gp.--181 doseAverage156 gp.2 hrs.
Dream Lichen225 gp.--301 doseVery Difficult2556 gp.8 hrs.
Dreamer's star5 gp.--121d4 doses--------
Fairy Cap25 gp.--201 doseAverage156 gp.1 hr.
Flayleaf25 gp.2 lbs.121d4 doses--------
Garlic1 sp.1 lb.121d8 bulbs--------
Leechwort3 gp.--141d4 doses--------
Love-In-Idleness25 gp.--201 doseAverage156 gp.1 hr.
Mellowroot25 gp.--221d4 doses--------
Merfolk's Comb225 gp.--251 doseVery Difficult2556 gp.Special
Mimameith100 gp.--251d4 dosesDifficult2025 gp.Special
Moly400 gp.--251 doseMasterwork30100 gp.4 hrs.
Nepenthe100 gp.--201 doseDifficult2025 gp.2 hrs.
Nightsage100 gp.--141 doseDifficult2025 gp.8 hrs.
Seeing Slime100 gp.--191 doseDifficult20----
Twilight dagger100 gp.--201 doseDifficult2025 gp.2 hrs.
Valerian5 sp.--121d4 dosesAverage152 sp.Special
Winterbite25 gp.--111d4 dosesAverage156 gp.1 hr.
Wolfsbane5 sp.--141 dose--------

Gathering Herbs

Instead of purchasing herbs, you may attempt to gather them in the wild. Provided you are in the proper terrain, gathering one yield of herb takes four hours and a successful Nature check (against the herb's Gather DC). One yield of herbs produces a variable number of doses (see table above). For every 5 points above the DC you halve the search time (1/2 at DC+5, 1/4 at DC+10, 1/8 at DC +15, etc.). You can gather one yield of herbs while travelling, though you must do so at half speed.

When searching for herbs, you must declare which herb you are searching for. For every 5 ranks in Nature, you may search for an additional herb.

A particular region's natural supply of herbs isn't unlimited. The GM will determine how many yields are available at a time, though this is usually around 1d4 for most herbs.

Preparing Herbs

Herbs with a crafting DC require some preparation before they can be used; those without a craft DC can be used raw. A Nature or Craft (Alchemy) check must be made to prepare herbs. Herb preparation otherwise uses standard crafting rules.

Raw herbs must be used fresh and they lose their potency within 24 hours of harvest. Prepared herbs will keep for one month.

Herb Descriptions


This iridescent white shelf fungus is said to have first grown from the footsteps of an angel, though some claim it instead comes from the footsteps of a djinni.

Terrain: temperate or warm deserts

Preparation: A dose of angelstep can be used raw or processed into a pigment that can be worn on the skin. Processing a dose of the pigment takes 4 hours and requires a successful DC 15 Craft (Alchemy) check. Angelstep pigment costs twice as much as the raw fungus.

Use: As part of an attempt to stabilize a dying creature, a dose of raw angelstep can be rubbed on the creature to grant advantage on Medicine checks made to help stabilize a creature. A dose of angelstep pigment applied to the skin of a Medium or smaller creature helps to protect that creature against death for 1d4 hours, granting advantage on Constitution saves made to stabilize when your hit points drop to zero.

Barbarian Chew

This bitter red chew comes from dried leaves of a stunted bush.

Terrain: northern climates

Use: When chewed, these leaves immediately add 1 temporary point of rage to a barbarian's rage pool. If not used within 10 minutes, this rage goes away.

Belladonna (nightshade)

This plant has greenish-purple leaves and dull black berries.

Terrain: any temperate

Use: Belladonna may aid with general pain relief. It also produces vivid hallucinations and delirium, often for as long as 3-4 hours.

Black Amaranth

Black amaranth is a tall plant with dark purple veins and red, gold, orange, or purple flowers that grow in clusters.

Terrain: Tropical or warm climates, often near the remains of the dead.

Preparation: The amaranth's flowers must be properly processed and turned into a paste.

Use: Black amaranth paste slows decay as per the gentle repose spell, delaying decay by 1 day. Up to three days-worth of paste may be applies (one dose per day) before the herb loses effect.

Bloody Mandrake

This plant's unsettlingly humanoid-shaped tuber-like roots increase fertility and vitality.

Terrain: Any plains or swamps, bloody mandrakes grow from the corpses of intelligent creatures who had supernatural powers in life.

Preparation: A bloody mandrake must be pulped so that its sticky red sap can be gathered, skimmed, and then refined into an even stickier paste.

Use: One dose of bloody mandrake paste smeared on the lips (this is a free action) during spellcasting can be used as an additional material component when casting spells that remove afflictions and conditions or that provide a morale bonus. Doing so grants a +1 bonus to the spell's effective caster level.

Cloud Puff

The spores of this odorous pale-gray fungus cause a euphoric light-headedness.

Terrain: any mountains

Preparation: After soaking in salt water for 1 hour, a cloud puff must be dried in a delicate process that requires it to be turned three times per hour for 4 hours.

Use: By crushing a dried cloud puff and inhaling the spores, a creature becomes light-headed and its mind grows resistant to outside influences. For the next hour, the creature gains advantage on saving throws against mind-affecting effects but takes disadvantage on Wisdom-based skill checks.

Dragon Rose

The vivid and thorny dragon rose is admired for its hardiness but is difficult to cultivate.

Terrain: any forests or mountains

Preparation: The petals of a dragon rose must be delicately removed from the stem and then soaked in a mixture brewed from the flower stalk's sap for 2 hours.

Use: A dose of prepared dragon rose petals crushed in the hand and then smeared on a weapon (this is a standard action) infuses the weapon with a magic aura. For 1 hour, the weapon functions as a magical weapon. It doesn't gain magical bonuses but will inflict extra damage to creature vulnerable to magical weapons.

Dream Lichen

This multicolored, shimmering lichen grows in places where powerful magical creatures have slept and dreamt.

Terrain: anywhere the boundaries between the Material Plane and others grows thin

Preparation: The fibrous outer layer of the lichen must be gently scrubbed away, exposing the soft interior, which must then be allowed to dry after being sprinkled with various alchemical powders.

Use: A creature that sleeps for at least 8 hours with a dose of dream lichen in contact with its body has vivid dreams in which it endures and recovers from a supernatural affliction. Upon waking, the creature can attempt a new saving throw against a single curse or mental effect from which it is currently suffering.

Dreamer's Star

A plant with bright orange petals.

Terrain: forests or plains

Use: When the orange petals of this plant are steeped in hot water, the leaves make a mild, aromatic tea that facilitates restful sleep. When taken before sleeping, this tea grants the drinker the benefits of a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in only 4 hours. One dose of Dreamer's star makes enough tea to serve six.

Fairy Cap

This toadstool's pale-gray cap is stippled with yellow spots. Its presence often indicates ley lines or fey bowers nearby.

Terrain: any location near ley lines

Preparation: A fairy cap must be gently simmered (not boiled) in a mixture of water and other natural ingredients for 1 hour. At the end of this preparation time, the yellow spots' color changes to bright orange or dark brown-there's a 50% chance of either development.

Use: When eaten without proper preparation, a fairy cap is mildly poisonous (save: Con DC 13, onset: 1 minute, frequency: 1/minute for 6 minutes, effect: level 2 fatigue for 1 minute, cure: 1 save), but when properly prepared, it takes on a not-unpleasant tangy flavor. The final color of a properly prepared fairy cap's spots determines its effect when consumed. A cap with orange spots causes a Large or smaller creature to grow one size category, while one with brown spots causes the eater to shrink one size category. These effects function as per enlarge person or reduce person, except they can affect any Large or smaller living creature; the effects persist for 10 minutes in either case. Whether or not it is prepared, a fairy cap is quite chewy, and eating it is a full-round action.


A groundcover plant with narrow, rust-colored leaves.

Terrain: any

Use: Flayleaf produces a mildly hallucinogenic smoke that also serves as powerful sedative. Users are immune to pain for 4 hours after smoking flayleaf, but during this time they take disadvantage on saves against mind-altering effects.


Grassy sprouts with pungent, bulbous roots.

Terrain: any temperate

Use: These pungent white cloves serve as food and medicine and play a role in many traditional cleansing rituals. It is well established that vampires cannot abide the presence of garlic (vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it.)


The bright red berries of the holly tree have many uses as decorations and ritual objects. Druids harvest holly berries with specially prepared tools and during sacred times of the year.


The deep-red flower has rich nectar with a honey-like scent.

Terrain: any forests

Preparation: A dose of this flower's nectar must be extracted and stored in an alchemically prepared vial.

Use: As a full-round action, a dose of love-in-idleness nectar can be drizzled into the ears of a helpless or willing animal or humanoid. This causes the subject to become much more susceptible to the power of suggestion and mind-affecting effects, taking a -2 penalty on Insight checks and a -1 penalty on saving throws against mental effects for the next 2d4 hours. This is a poison effect.


The root of this orange, flowering plant makes you feel invulnerable when ingested.

Terrain: any temperate

Use: For 1 hour after consuming mellowroot, you gain advantage on fear effects. However, while under the effects of mellowroot, you must make a DC 15 Wis saving throw when you try to leave the threatened area of an opponent. If you fail the saving throw, you cannot leave the threatened area with that action but do not lose the action.

Merfolk's Comb

This vibrant yellow and pale-green variety of seaweed has wide fronds with lines of narrow fringe along the upper edge.

Terrain: any underwater

Preparation: A single dose of merfolk's comb must be allowed to dry over a period of 7 days while being rubbed with alchemical oils once daily to prevent the herb from losing its properties during the process.

Use: Anyone who eats a dose of merfolk's comb gains the ability to breathe water as well as air for 8 hours.


The bark of this wide-trunked but relatively squat tree is resistant to cutting and fire.

Terrain: any forests or mountains

Preparation: A living mimameith tree has hardness 10 and fire resistance 5. When a mimameith tree is burned but lives, its bark regrows over time with pale gray scarring--such bark bears special properties. Once harvested, this bark can be processed alchemically. Doing so requires a 5-pound dose of the bark to be soaked in water for 8 hours and then boiled off to a thin layer of tacky paste.

Use: When a dose of the pasty residue from mimameith bark is applied to a creature's skin as a standard action, the subject gains piercing/slashing resistance 2, fire resistance 5, and immunity to bleed effects for 1 hour.


This golden-colored parasitic plant grows on many different sorts of trees. Druids harvest mistletoe with specially prepared tools and during sacred times of the year.


Moly is a plant with flowers white as pure milk and roots black as night.

Terrain: any forests or plains

Preparation: This flowering herb must be picked whole and boiled with water until the entire amount is reduced by half. The resulting mixture is then strained and poured into a shallow pan to evaporate. The resulting crust is scraped off as a powder.

Use: Anyone wearing or carrying fresh moly gains advantage on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. Moly remains fresh in this way for only 12 hours, regardless of magical attempts to preserve it. When processed into a powder, moly can be sprinkled on a creature, object, or area (a standard action) to end a spell as if with dispel magic (caster level 6th).


This foot-tall blue-green pitcher plant produces a pollen that smells faintly of mint and lures insects and even small vertebrates toward its dangerous mouth.

Terrain: warm forests or swamps

Preparation: A dose of pollen must be mixed with alchemical reagents and properly powdered.

Use: A dose of nepenthe pollen must be inhaled as a standard action, whereupon the potent vapors act upon unpleasant or unknown thoughts and memories. This grants the creature a new saving throw to immediately end a single mental effect currently affecting the creature (effects that allow no saving throw cannot be removed in this way). An unwilling creature can be dosed with the pollen as a touch attack that provokes an attack of opportunity. A creature can be affected by a dose of nepenthe only once in a single 24-hour period. This is a poison effect.


The fragrant purple blossoms of this night-blooming wildflower are so deep in hue that they appear almost black.

Terrain: any jungles

Preparation: A dose of nightsage must be sprinkled with holy water periodically over an 8-hour drying process in natural sunlight.

Use: When dried nightsage is lit on fire (a standard action), it produces a thin but pleasant-smelling smoke almost like that produced by a stick of incense. A dose of nightsage burns for 10 minutes and can be extinguished and reignited for multiple uses (but it is always used in 1 minute increments, regardless of the actual time spent burning).

While nightsage burns, each corporeal undead creature within a 5-foot radius gains a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against radiant energy effects, including channeled energy. Necromancers are fond of supplying their undead minions with small thuribles containing a burning stick of nightsage that can be worn while carrying out their commands. A moderate or stronger wind extinguishes a burning stick of nightsage.

Seeing Slime

This violet slime mold is found only in rock formations containing nodules of agate.

Terrain: any underground

Use: The slime causes mild skin rashes, but it grants darkvision out to a range of 30 feet for 24 hours if applied to the eyes (a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity). If the subject already had darkvision, the darkvision's range increases by 30 feet. Frequent use of this herb causes permanent purple blotches on the skin around the user's eyes.

Twilight Dagger

Found most often in lands heavily modified by magic, this bulbous cactus is topped with twilight-blue flowers.

Terrain: deserts

Preparation: The sap from this cactus need to be specially processed into a powder.

Use: Twilight dagger can be used as an additional material component when casting spells, granting the user a +1 circumstance bonus on checks made to overcome spell resistance.


This tall, flowering plant has scented pink or white flowers.

Terrain: grasslands

Preparation: Dried over 1 week's time to use as a tea, or dissolved in alcohol over a week to prepare a tincture.

Use: Valerian helps aid sleep. When taken before bedtime, Valerian grants an additional save when attempting to overcome magical or mundane insomnia effects.


The white-veined leaves of this minty sprig carry a pleasant and soothing scent.

Terrain: any cold

Preparation: A dose of winterbite must be dried near an open flame in which certain alchemically treated sawdust and wood chips are burned.

Use: When held under the nose and crushed (which takes a standard action), a dose of prepared winterbite releases a pungent, sweet odor that clears the sinuses and sharpens the senses. For the next hour, the user of a dose of prepared winterbite gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Perception checks.