
Hunting Equipment

Beast lure25 gp.1/2 lb.Average20
Beast scent100 gp.1/2 lb.Difficult25
Hound's blood25 gp.--Average20
Musk, harpy2 gp.--Simple15
Musk, wild25 gp.1/2 lb.Average20

Beast Lure

This light brown oil works similar to wild animal musk but attracts one specific kind of creature (dogs, giant bees, and so on).

Beast Scent

This is a mixture of scent gland extracts and aromatic herbs that serves as both attractor and olfactory camouflage. It masks the natural scent of a creature with an appealing if pungent musk that is alluring to most animals. Beast-scent provides a +2 circumstance bonus to Animal Handling and wild empathy checks and a -5 penalty to attempts to track the wearer by his original scent. If the tracking creature is following the smell of beast-scent itself, track checks are made at a +10 circumstance bonus instead. A single vial of beast-scent masks the scent of one Medium creature or two smaller creatures; larger creatures require proportionally more to gain the item's benefits. Beast-scent is rendered inert after 1 hour of exposure to air. Applying a vial is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Hound's Blood

If you apply the thick, red paste known as hound's blood to your nostrils or upper lip, it greatly enhances your sense of smell. For most creatures, this grants a +2 competence bonus on Perception checks for 1 hour. For gnomes, it briefly grants a super-heightened sense of smell, granting the scent ability for 5 minutes, before the potency is reduced to a +2 competence bonus on Perception checks for an additional 1 hour.

Musk, Wild Animal

This emerald-colored adhesive is a concoction made from animal glands, urine, and other powerful scents combined with a strong alchemical binding agent that is difficult to wash off. A target splashed with it smells like weak prey to predators. Creatures with the scent ability can detect a marked creature at five times the normal range, note its direction as a free action, pinpoint it when it is within 25 feet, and track it by scent with a +5 competence bonus on its Track checks. Immersion in water within 1 round of exposure washes it off; otherwise the effect decreases by one range increment per day (four times normal range after 1 day, three times range after 2 days, and so on) until the creature is again at normal scent levels.

Musk, Harpy

The reek of this doubtful cure-all proves useful at scaring off goblins. If smeared on a surface or used as a thrown weapon, the musk fills a 30-foot area with the stink of harpies for 1 minute. Any goblin who enters the area must make a DC 14 Wis save or be shaken for 1 minute.