

Poisons affect the normal health and function of their targets. To use, create, or identify poisons, you need training in the Knowledge: Poisons skill. All poisons have the following characteristics.


How the poison finds its way into the target's body: Ingested, Injury, Contact, or Inhaled.


Some poisons take effect immediately. Others take some time before the first effects are felt. When exposed to a poison with an Onset, wait until the onset time is up before rolling the first Constitution saving throw to resist the poison.


If the first saving throw is successful, then the target suffers no effects from the poison. On a failed save, the target suffers the effects listed under Primary Effect. This might be ability damage (1d6 Con), hit point damage (2d12 hp), or some other effect (e.g. nauseated).

Most poisons also have a smaller, recurring effect and a save frequency. After the first failed save, wait for the duration of the save frequency and then attempt to save again. For each failed save after the first, take the recurring effect and then save again after the save frequency. This recurrence will happen for the duration listed. Note that the duration is the duration of the recurring effect, not the duration of both the primary and recurring.

Condition-inflicting poisons function differently. They simply have two effects, a primary and a secondary. For these poisons, after the onset has expired, you save for the primary effect. If you fail, you take the effect, wait for the primary duration, and then save for the secondary effect. That effect lasts for its duration and then the poison wears off. If you succeed on the primary effect, you don't need to save for the secondary effect.

Max DC

When someone with poison crafting knowledge makes a poison, they make a Poison check to set the DC of the poison. Poisons can always be found with varying degrees of potency, and likewise, variable DCs. The Max DC of a poison is the highest DC it can have. Some poisons, no matter how concentrated, are only so potent. For most poisons, the typical DC found at market will be 3-5 points lower than the Max DC listed here.


The price listed here is the typical price for the poison, regardless of its DC, though the exact price is always set by the GM.

CR Bonus

Some poisons are well-suited to be combined with traps, boosting the Challenge Rating (CR) of the trap. These augmented traps receive an increase to their CR depending on the potency of the poison. Add +1 for poisons around 25 gp,+2 for poisons around 150 gp, +3 for poisons around 400 gp, and +4 for poisons over 1000 gp.

For example, Arsenic is a poison that requires ingestion and has a 10 minute onset. Ten minutes after ingesting arsenic, a creature must make a Constitution saving throw at DC 20. If successful, the arsenic has no effect. If it fails, the creature takes 1d6 constitution damage. Arsenic's Frequency is 1 minute, so one minute later the creature must make another save. If failed, it takes another 1 Con damage. Because Arsenic has a duration of "5 minutes or until saved" the creature continues making saves every minute for five minutes, though any successful save will end the poisoning.

Multiple Poison Doses

If you are currently poisoned, any subsequent doses of the same poison will boost its effects. Each time you are re-poisoned by the same type of poison and you fail your initial save, you do not take primary damage again, but the duration of the poison resets and the DC increases by 2. If you are poisoned by a different type of poison, then you suffer the effects of each poison independently.

Minor Poisons
PoisonTypeOnsetPrimary EffectRecurring EffectSave FrequencyDurationMax DCPrice
Arsenicinjury--1d6 Str1d6 Str1 roundUntil saved13150 gp
Arsenicingested10 min1d6 Con1 Con1 min5 minutes or until saved20150 gp
Belladonnaingested10 min1d6 Str1 Str1 day5 days or until saved18150 gp
Black Adder Venominjury--1d6 Con1 Con1 round5 rounds or until saved20150 gp
Black Finger SaltIngested10 min1d6 Con1d3 bleed--Until bleeding is stopped20150 gp
Blistercap Sporecontact--1d2 Dex and 1 ConLevel 2 Fatigue--1 minute25150 gp
Bloodrootinjury1 min1d4 Con and 1d3 WisNone----1575 gp
Drider Poisoninjury--1d6 Con2 Con1 roundUntil Saved1675 gp
Ettercap Poisoninjury--1d6 Dex4 Dex1 roundUntil Saved15150 gp
Fungal Crawler Poisoninjury--1d4 Str and 1d4 Con1 Str and 1 Con1 round3 rounds or until saved1410 gp
Giant Bee Poisoninjury--1d2 Str 1 Str1 roundUntil Saved1210 gp
Giant Jellyfish Poisoncontact--2d4 Dex2 Dex1 roundUntil Saved17150 gp
Giant Spider Poisoninjury--1d4 Str2 Str1 round5 Rounds or Until Saved1575 gp
Greenblood Oilinjury--1 Con2 Con1 round1 round1510 gp
Id Mossingested10 min2d4 Int2 Int1 round5 rounds or until saved15150 gp
Imp Poisoninjury--1d4 dex1d4 dex1 rounduntil saved15100 gp
Lunar Naga Poisoninjury--1d6 Con and 1 Wis2 Con1 rounduntil saved18150 gp
Malyss Root PasteContact--1 Dex3 Dex1 round5 rounds or until saved20150 gp
Phase Spider Poisoninjury--1d8 Dex3 Dex1 roundUntil saved17150 gp
Quasit Poisoninjury--1d4 Dex2 Dex1 roundUntil saved1575 gp
Small Scorpion Poisoninjury--1d2 Str1 Str1 roundUntil saved1210 gp
Spirit Naga Poisoninjury--1d4 Con2 Con1 roundUntil saved18150 gp
Stingray Poisoninjury--1d2 Dex1 Dex1 round5 rounds or until saved1310 gp
Small Centipede Poisoninjury--1d2 Dex1 Dex1 round5 rounds or until saved1510 gp
Striped Toadstoolingested10 min2d6 Wis and 1d4 Int1 Wis and 1 Int1 round5 rounds or until saved15150 gp
Violet Funguscontact--1d4 Str and 1d4 Con------15150 gp
Viper Poisoninjury--1d6 Con1 Con1 round5 rounds or until saved1375 gp
Water Naga Poisoninjury--1d4 Con1 Con1 rounduntil saved18150 gp
Debilitating Poisons
PoisonTypeOnsetPrimary EffectRecurring EffectSave FrequencyDurationMax DCPrice
Athach PoisonInjury--1d6 Str2 Str1 rounduntil saved21400 gp
Bone Devil PoisonInjury--1d6 Str1d6 Str1 rounduntil saved20400 gp
Brain RotInjury--2d6 Int2 Int1 round5 rounds or until saved20700 gp
Burnt Othur Fumesinhaled--1d6 Con1 Con1 round5 rounds or until saved20400 gp
Cloudy MindInjested--2d4 Int3 Int1 round5 rounds or until saved18400 gp
CuriaInjury--2d4 Wis1 Wis1 round5 rounds or until saved22400 gp
Dank NecrosisInjury--2d6 Cha1 Cha1 round5 rounds or until saved20400 gp
Dark Reaver Powderingested10 min2d6 Con1 Con and 1 Str1 round5 rounds or until saved20700 gp
Dragon bilecontact--3d4 Str------23700 gp
Giant Wasp Poisoninjury--2d4 Dex2 Dex1 roundUntil saved20400 gp
Guardian Naga Poisoninjury--1d4 Con2 Con1 roundUntil saved20--
Insanity Mistinhaled--1d4 Wis3 Wis1 roundUntil save18400 gp
King's Sleepingested1 day1 Con1 Con1 day2 Consecutive saves25400 gp
Large Scorpion Venominjury--1d6 Str2 Str1 roundUntil Saved25700 gp
Lich Dustingested10 min2d6 Str1 Str1 roundUntil Saved20700 gp
Medusa Poisoninjury--2d6 Str2 Str1 roundUntil Saved17400 gp
Nitharitcontact1 min3d4 Con------18400 gp
Pit Field Poisoninjury--1d6 Dex1 Dex1 roundUntil saved25--
Shadow Essenceinjury1 min2d4 Str2 Con1 roundUntil saved20400 gp
Terinav rootContact--2d6 Dex1 Dex1 roundUntil Saved20700 gp
Ungol Dustinhaled--1d6 Cha1 Cha1 roundUntil saved18400 gp
Wyvern Poisoninjury--2d4 Con2 Con1 roundUntil saved20400 gp
Deadly Poisons
PoisonTypeOnsetPrimary EffectRecurring EffectSave FrequencyDurationMax DCPrice
Black Lotus Extractcontact1 min2d6 Con2 Con1/min3 min251,200 gp
Deathbladeinjury--2d6 Con2 Con1 round5 rounds or until saved251,200 gp
Purple Worm Poisoninjury--1d6 Con3 Con1 round5 rounds or until saved271,200 gp
Sard Poisoninjury--1d2 Dex and 4d6 Electricity1 rounduntil saved311,200 gp
Giant Black Scorpion Venominjury--1d4 Str, Dex, and Con1 rounduntil saved27--
Damage-Inflicting Poisons
PoisonTypeOnsetPrimary EffectRecurring EffectSave FrequencyDurationMax DCPrice
Blood Leaf ResidueContact1 min2d12 hp damage1 Con1 round5 rounds or until saved20150 gp
BloodwortInjury--4d10 hp damage1 hp1 round5 rounds or until saved26700 gp
Fire Jackal Salivainjury--1d6 acid dmg1 Dex1 rounduntil saved1840 gp
Goblin BiteInjury--1d8 hp damage1 hp1 round5 rounds or until saved1825 gp
OrcbaneInjury--3d10 hp damage1 hp1 round5 rounds or until saved24400 gp
Sassone leafInjury--2d10 hp damage1 hp1 round5 rounds or until saved20150 gp
Condition-inflicting Poisons
PoisonTypeOnsetPrimary EffectPrimary DurationSecondary EffectSecondary DurationMax DCPriceEffect Type
Blue Whinnisinjury--Sleep1d4 Rounds----1525 gpSleep
Dark Naga Poisoninjury--Nightmare-Hauted Sleep2d4 Minutes----20--Sleep
Drow poisoninjury--Unconsciousness1d4 RoundsUnconsciousness2d4 Hours15100 gpUnconsciousness
Faun Songinjury--Sleep1d4 RoundsSleepEach round until saved20400 gpSleep
Fiddleback Venominjury, ingested1 minNo standard actions1d4 Rounds1 Str and 1 Con5 rounds or until saved15200 gpNauseated
Gelidburn Oilinjury--1d3 fire dmg, 1d3 cold dmg, and Staggered1 Round----1550 gpStaggered
Hag Spitinjury, ingested--Blindness1d10 Rounds1 WisEach round until saved18175 gpBlindness
Homunculus Poisoninjury--SleepEach round until saved----1525 gpSleep
Large Black Widow Venominjury--2d4 Con plus staggered1 round1 Con plus stgaggeredEach round until saved17150 gpStaggered
Oil of TaggitIngested1 minUnconsciousness1 Hour----1575 gpUnconsciousness
Pseudodragon Poisoninjury--Sleep1 MinuteSleep1d3 hours1225 gpSleep
Quietusinjury--Sleep1 MinuteSleep1 hour251,200 gpSleep
Red Bedlamingested10 minConfusion1d4 RoundsConfusionEach round until saved20400 gpConfusion
Spider Eater Poisoninjury--Stun (level 2)Each Min until saved----17150 gpParalysis
Styx Sapcontact1d4 min1d4 Wis plus memory loss from the last 10 minutesInstantaneous----18700 gpMemory Loss
Swampseer Poisoningested10 min1d4 WisInstantaneousConfusionEach round until saved20400 gpConfusion
Sweetdreaminhaled--Sleep1d4 RoundsSleepEach round until saved20400 gpSleep
WoundwealInjury1 rdMedicine checks on target are at -10. Magaical healing requires a DC 25 spell attack to succeed1 Day----18100 gpPrevents Healing