


Hireling, trained3 sp per day
Hireling, untrained1 sp per day
Messenger2 cp per mile

Hireling, Trained

The amount given is the typical daily wage for mercenary warriors, masons, craftsmen, scribes, teamsters, and other trained hirelings. This value represents a minimum wage; many such hirelings require significantly higher pay.

Hireling, Untrained

The amount shown is the typical daily wage for laborers, porters, cooks, maids, and other menial workers.


This entry includes horse-riding messengers and runners. Those willing to carry a message to a place they were going anyway may ask for only half the indicated amount.


Inn, Common5 sp
Inn, Good2 gp
Inn, Poor2 sp


The indicated amount is the base cost of the spell. Add the cost of material components, 1/10 the cost of a focus, and 5 gp per XP cost. Travel expense for the spell caster and the cost of protection for dangerous spells might also be included.

0-Level Spell12.5 gp5 gp
1-Level Spell25 gp10 gp
2-Level Spell150 gp80 gp
3-Level Spell375 gp180 gp
4-Level Spell700 gp320 gp
5-Level Spell1,125 gp500 gp
6-Level Spell1,650 gp720 gp
7-Level Spell2,275 gp980 gp
8-Level Spell3,000 gp1,280 gp
9-Level Spell4,000 gp1,620 gp


Coach cab3 cp per mile
Road or gate toll1 cp
Ship's passage1 sp per mile

Coach Cab

The price given is for a ride in a coach that transports people (and light cargo) between towns. For a ride in a cab that transports passengers within a city, 1 copper piece usually takes you anywhere you need to go.

Road or Gate Toll

A toll is sometimes charged to cross a well-trodden, well-kept, and well-guarded road to pay for patrols on it and for its upkeep. Occasionally, a large walled city charges a toll to enter or exit (or sometimes just to enter).

Ship’s Passage

Most ships do not specialize in passengers, but many have the capability to take a few along when transporting cargo. Double the given cost for creatures larger than Medium or creatures that are otherwise difficult to bring aboard a ship.