
Step 4: Choose Your Background

You are born with some traits, but you also learn others. The kind of culture you grow up in has a major impact on the kind of character you become. In addition to traits inherited through ancestry, you also get traits related to your upbringing or culture. Just because you are a halfling doesn't guarantee you have a traditional halfling upbringing, though. It's quite possible you were a halfling raised by dwarves. Furthermore, not all dwarven societies are alike. Some may be the stereotypical giant-hating, mine-loving type, but it's also possible to have groups of seafaring dwarves, urban dwarves, forest dwelling clans, or other varieties. Rather than assume all cultures in Upheaval fall under one stereotypical umbrella, your GM will work with you to decide the characteristics of the society you grew up in and what trait choices that grants you access to.

As a quick and easy start, choose background abilities from the list below. If your character is human, half-elf, or half-orc, you may pick two cultural traits. All other ancestries choose one. For a more extensive list of cultural traits see the expanded rules on Background.

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