
Assassin (Archetype)

CR 8 humanoid

Senses: Perception 10, Standard Vision

Speed: Varies Skills: Acrobatics 12, Athletics 8, Deception 8, Sleight of Hand 12, Stealth 12, Appraisal 5, Arcana 5, Linguistics 5, Medicine 4, Poisons 9, Rope Use 12, Locks 12, Traps 12

Ability Scores: Str 11 (+4), Dex 18 (+14), Con 14 (+12), Int 13 (+5), Wis 11 (+10), Cha 10 (+4)

INIT: +4 CP: +6 HP: 56 (8d8+16) SA: -- DC: 21

AC: 17 Touch: 14 Flat-footed: 13 [+3 Armor, +4 Dodge]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: --


Evasion (ex) - Any time the creature makes a successful Dex save against an attack that normally deals half-damage for success, the creature instead takes no damage.

Danger Sense (ex) - This creature gains advantage on checks made to avoid being surprised or to avoid the effects of unknown traps.

Face in the Crowd (ex) - While this creature is within 30 feet of at least 5 non-hostile creatures, perception and insight checks against it are made at disadvantage.

Uncanny Dodge (ex) - This creature can be flat-footed unless physically immobilized.

Quick Draw (ex) - This creature can draw a weapon as a free action or reaction, allowing it to make attacks of opportunity or readied attacks without holding an item. It may also equip a medium shield as a bonus action.

Surprise Attack (ex) - This creature's enemies are flat-footed in the first round of combat.

Slow Reactions (ex) - Targets who suffer sneak attack from this creature cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.


Sneaky (Bonus)(ex) - This creature can either disengage or hide as a bonus action.

Assassinate (ex) - If this creature can study its victim for 3 rounds and make a successful sneak attack 3 rounds afterward with a melee weapon, it can stun (level 2) or kill the target (Con save negates). The target must either be unaware of the cretaure or unaware that the create is an enemy. The stun effect lasts 1d6 rounds. On a successful save, the creature suffers damage (including sneak attack) as usual.

Vital Strike (ex) - As a standard action, the Assassin can make one attack at full bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the damage from the attack twice before adding other damage bonuses. This extra weapon damage is not multiplied on a critical hit but is still added to the total.


A masterwork dagger laced with deathblade poison, a spare vial of poison, a masterwork shortsword, a longbow, leather armor, 400 gp., and a description of his next target.


A silent killer, as easily able to blend into a crowd of people as he is able to disappear into the shadows.