
Nomad (Annari) Hunter (Archetype)

CR 4 humanoid

Senses: Perception 9

Speed: Varies Skills: Athletics 4, Regional 5, Nature 7, Track 7, Animals 5, Stealth 7

Ability Scores: Str 14 (+4), Dex 16 (+5), Con 14 (+4), Int 10 (+2), Wis 14 (+4), Cha 8 (+1)

INIT: +5 CP: +4 HP: 36 (4d10+8) SA: -- DC: 16

AC: 17 Touch: 13 Flat-footed: 14 [+4 Armor, +3 Dodge]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: --


Endurance (ex) - Creatures with endurance gain advantage on endurance-related saves and check.

Aware (ex) - This creature forms a particularly close bond with the land around them and relies on it to guide their decisions. Once per day, while in studied terrain, they can use a standard action to commune with the land, letting it give them guidance about a planned action. This functions as if casting augury.

Mounted Combat Proficiency (ex) - This creature is comfortable with mounted combat and gains their proficiency bonus when attacking while mounted.

Opening Volley (ex) - Whenever the Nomad (Annari) Hunter deals damage with a ranged attack, they gain advantage on the next melee attack roll they make against the opponent. This attack must occur before the end of their next turn.

Studied Terrain (ex) - The Nomads are expert outdoors folk, and consider the Great Grass Sea to be their home. The add +2 to their initiative rolls, and to Nature, Dungeoneering, Perception, Stealth, and Track skill checks (accounted for in stats above). If tracking a quarry, these bonuses are only applied once. They also leave no trail and cannot be tracked through the terrain if they don't want to be.


Mounted Combat Expertise (Reaction)(ex) - In reaction to a successful hit against its steed, the Nomad (Annari) Hunter can make an Animal Handling check with a +2 bonus. The results of this check replace the mount's AC, negating the hit if higher than its attack roll.


A composite shortbow (1), arrows tipped with stone or bronze, a simple spear tipped with stone or bronze, lamellar armor made from strips of hardened leather riveted with copper or bronze rivets, a winter coat, rations, a small religious token, a string of colored beads, and a waterskin.


A weather-worn mounted scout, prepared for a long mission.