

These skills require specialized training and so characters must take a Proficiency to unlock them. Some classes grant these proficiencies as free bonus proficiency at certain levels, though.

Open Locks (Dex)

All locks have a DC to open, depending on their difficulty (simple DC 20, Average DC 25, Good DC 30, Amazing DC 40). This skill is used to open locks with thieves’ tools. Using improvised tools, checks are made at a disadvantage. Required Proficiency: Locksmith.

Performance (Cha)

This skill represents a character’s ability to sing, dance, play an instrument, or put on some other type of performance. For bards, this skill is key to a number of Bardic abilities. For non-bards, performance might simply be a way to pass the time or earn a little extra money. Required Proficiency: Performer.

Tracking (Wis)

You can follow trails and tracks left by others. You move at half your normal speed while tracking. You generally make a check for each hour of tracking. The base DC depends on the type of surface the tracks are made in on a scale of soft (DC 10) to hard ground (DC 20). Creatures two sizes larger or smaller than the tracker decrease/increase the DC by 2. The DC increases/decreases by another 2 for each size larger than that. Also, each day after the tracks are made the DC increases by 1 as well. A failure means you’ve lost the track. A spectacular failure means you follow a false trail for about a half hour before realizing it. Players without the Track Proficiency, may be able to make a Perception check to see a single sign of a creature’s passage but aren’t adept in picking up and following a trail of signs. Required Proficiency: Tracker.

Traps (Dex)

This skill represents the character's ability to find, create, disarm, or arm traps. All traps encountered have a DC that determines how hard the trap is to find or disarm. Most traps are hidden and require a skill check against the trap's DC in order to discover them. Simple mechanical traps (pits, deadfalls, etc.) can be discovered using a Perception or Investigation check, but anything more complicated requires some specialized knowledge and a Traps skill check. When you discover traps, you can attempt to disarm them. Doing so requires a Traps check against the trap's DC, though a catastrophic failure will instantly set off the tap.

With basic traps knowledge, arming a trap is fairly simple. To arm a trap, you must roll a DC 10, though a failure may partially set off the tap doing half of its intended effect to those in range who fail the appropriate saving throws.

Trap creation is handled like other item crafting, except that you use your Traps skill instead of the Craft skill when creating them.