
Bestow Curse

3rd level Necromancy

Classes: Oracle, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Affliction, Generic, Mutation, Sickness, Trickery

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Touch

Target: Creature or object touched

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: WIS negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You place a curse on the subject. You may use one of Upheaval's curses, or work with your GM to create your own (see Curses). You may cast this spell at higher levels to raise the level of the curse, making it harder to remove. To remove a curse, the Remove Curse spell will need to be cast at the same level. The curse's removal DC is set at the caster's spell save DC. Any attempt to remove the curse also requires a spell attack against this DC to be successful. Miracle and wish spells can remove a curse without either of these requirements. Dispel magic cannot remove a curse.

Leveling: To remove a curse, the Remove Curse spell must at least match the level of the Bestow Curse spell. Casting Bestow Curse at higher levels makes it harder to remove.

· At level 6 (curse item): a mundane item can be cursed instead of an individual. Anyone who has the item falls subject to the curse as long as they have it in their possession, though it does not need to be on their physical body. Storing the cursed item in a chest or in your keep is enough to bring the curse down upon you. Cursed mundane items do not register as magical and are very difficult to detect, those these items do sometimes have an unsettling aura about them, something that might be intuitively noticed with a successful arcana or religion check against the curse's DC. Unlike cursed magical items, cursed mundane items can be cleansed with a simple Remove Curse spell.
