
Big Hand

5th level Evocation

Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard

Components: V, S, F (Soft Glove)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 120 ft

Effect: 10-ft. hand

Duration: 1 minute, Concentration

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You create a floating, disembodied, Large magic hand that appears between you and one opponent. The hand has an AC of 20 and as many hit points as your max. It takes regular damage but most magical effects that don't deal damage have no effect on it. Disintegrate or a successful dispel magic destroys it. Pushing through the hand reduces speed to half (if < 2,000 lbs.). The hand has a Strength of 26 (+8) and a Dexterity of 10 (+0). The hand moves at your movement rate. You can direct the hand to move and/or act with a bonus action after it's created. Some actions need to be unlocked by casting the spell at a higher level. The following actions are allowed when cast at 5th level:

Interposing Hand: At a very minimum, the hand can be used to stand between you and an opponent, providing ¾ cover. The hand unerringly stands between you and your designated target, which you can switch with a bonus/swift action.

Grasping Hand: You may also attempt to grasp an opponent with the hand. The hand makes an opposed strength check, with its own Strength score, then functions as a normal grapple. The hand may also be used to trip an opponent and knock him prone (Tripping Hand).

Forceful Hand: The hand may attempt to push an opponent away. The hand makes an opposed Strength check against its opponent. If successful, the hand moves your opponent half your movement rate.

Leveling: When casting at higher levels, you gain additional actions that you can have the hand perform. These are as follows.

Level 6, Clenched Fist: The hand may strike an opponent. Use your spell attack to see if it hits. Force damage is 1d8+11. After being struck, creatures must make a CON save or be stunned (level 1) for one round. The hand needs to be directed to strike a new target each round (bonus action).

Level 6, Crushing Hand: The hand may attempt to grapple and crush an opponent. A successful grapple check must be made, then the hand does Xd4 force damage per round, where X is the number of rounds the target has been grappled (max: 8d4). If the hand fails to grapple, it will need to be directed to attack again with another bonus action.

Level 7, Disrupting Hand: The hand floats in front of a spellcaster of your choice. As soon as that caster begins to cast, the hand slaps him or her, forcing a concentration check (DC: 1d20 + 8). The hand must make a spell attack to hit (your spell attack + 8). Use a bonus action to re-direct the hand to another target or to change actions.

Level 8, Strangling Hand: The hand attempts to choke a Large or bigger creature, causing them to pass out. The hand first makes opposed strength check to grasp the opponent by the throat. Each round thereafter the target must make a CON check to avoid passing out. The next rounds target makes the CON check with advantage. The next consecutive round he makes it normally. If there are more consecutive rounds after that, the check is made with disadvantage each round. The hand cannot strangle a creature that doesn't breathe or doesn't have a neck. Against smaller creatures the effect is similar to Crushing Hand.

Level 8: Silencing Hand: The hand attempts to clamp itself over the mouth of a creature sized Large or bigger. A grapple check must be made to be successful. Silenced creatures cannot speak, cast spells with a verbal component, or use breath weapons. Against smaller creatures this acts as grasping hand.

Level 9: Disarming Hand: The unerringly grabs an opponent's weapon and with a successful opposed strength check, pulls it from his hand. The next round the hand may either bring the weapon to you (bonus action), or toss it away (free action).