

8th level Enchantment

Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

Domains: Justice

Components: V, S, M (adamantine chains worth at least 5,000 gp)

Casting Time: 1 min

Range: 60 ft

Target: One living creature

Duration: permanent (D)

Saving Throw: WIS Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: A binding spell creates a magical restraint to hold a creature. To cast this spell, you must chant ritualistic words of binding for one minute and then seal the spell by commanding the creature using their true name. If you do not know the creature's name, they make their saving throw at advantage. Each spellcaster who joins you in the chant grants a -1 penalty to the target's saving throw. Assistants do not need to know binding, but they must expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher to be of any help.

You can bind your target in one of two ways. First, you can restrain them with magical chains. The target is bound to the spot where the spell is cast. With this binding, the target's arms and legs are bound as much as you wish, even rendering it helpless and completely unable to move. Alternately, you can bind the creature to a certain location. The creature will be teleported instantly to the location and magically prevented from ever leaving it, though it will have freedom to move and act inside that location as it chooses. The location can be as large a boundary as you desire, but it must have clearly defined borders of some sort.

Bound creatures are still living and not in a state of suspended animation. If they normally need to eat, they can starve to death if unable to feed themselves. Likewise, they may still need to drink or sleep. Bound creatures are able to speak normally but cannot perform spells with somatic components if their hands are bound. Regardless of how creatures are bound, they cannot use teleportation, etherealness, or other extraplanar travel to escape their bonds. Spells like dismissal that target the creature similarly fail.

You can specify triggering conditions that end the spell and release the creature. These triggers can be as simple or elaborate as you desire. The conditions can be based on a creature's name, identity, or alignment but otherwise must be based on observable actions or qualities. Intangibles such as level, class, Hit Dice, or hit points don't qualify. Once the spell is cast, its triggering conditions cannot be changed.

You can't dispel a binding spell with dispel magic or a similar effect, though mage's disjunction, freedom, wish, or miracle will successfully free the target.