
Blade Thirst

4th level Necromancy

Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard

Components: V, S, M (a black gem worth at least 500gp that is ground and mixed with oil that will be rubbed on the blade during enchantment, and a piercing or slashing weapon)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Touch

Target: A piercing or slashing weapon

Duration: See text

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: This spell enchants a weapon with a necromantic thirst for blood. On casting, the weapon becomes a dormant +3 weapon. While dormant, it shows no signs of being magical, nor does it offer any advantages of a standard +3 weapon. The next time a wound is made with the weapon, it bursts into a blood-red color, wakes up, and is now a fully functional +3 weapon. The weapon thirsts for blood and will stay enchanted provided that it draws blood that round. The size of the wound is not important, though it must be at least 1 hp worth of damage. The wound may be self-inflicted. For each round without tasting blood, the weapon's magic wanes a little bit, first to a +2, then to a +1. Finally, the weapon loses its magic all together and crumbles into dust. If the sword scores a critical hit, it will gain a level of enchantment, though never greater than +4. The weapon can remain dormant for an indefinite amount of time. Creatures that do not have blood of some sort (e.g. undead, incorporeal beings, elementals) do not feed the sword, nor do they awaken it from dormancy.