

1st level Enchantment

Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Mind

Components: V

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 30 ft

Target: 1 humanoid

Duration: 1 hour

Saving Throw: CHA negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: Charm makes one humanoid target think favorably of you. The target's attitude toward you becomes friendly, and they will help you with small, reasonable requests that don't involve personal risk, extreme effort, or loss of property. Persuasion check may still be necessary for particularly difficult requests. Charm doesn't remove any language barrier between you and the target. If the creature is threatened or attacked by you or your allies when the spell is cast, it receives advantage on its saving throw. After being charmed, any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell.

Level 0: You can add +2 to a single persuasion check within 1 minute (concentration) of casting.

Leveling: Each additional level beyond 1st makes the charm effect last an extra hour. In addition, at level 4 this spell is not restricted by creature type. At level 6, you can charm multiple humanoids whose combined CR is less than twice your level. At level 8, you may charm multiple creatures of any type whose combined CR is less than twice your level.