

1st level Conjuration

Classes: Magus, Oracle, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Acid, Air, Generic, Water, Weather

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 120 ft

Effect: 20-ft. radius

Duration: Time varies

Spell Resistance: No

Description: You create a block of cloud. At lower levels this cloud just obscures vision. At higher levels, it can be thick enough to slow movement, or capable of doing damage to those who pass through it. This spell does not function underwater. The cloud created generally remains motionless, but at level 5 or higher you can move the cloud up to 60 feet for round by concentrating on it as a standard action.

Level 0: You create a small cloud that diminishes the effects of overly-bright light. This cloud has minimal effect except to mitigate the effect of bright light for those with light sensitivity or light blindness.


Level 1 (Obscuring Mist): A misty vapor arises around you. It is stationary once created. A target in the fog gains 1/4 cover for every 5 feet of distance (full cover at 20 feet). At 3/4 cover the vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision. A moderate wind (11+ mph), such as from a gust of wind spell, disperses the fog in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round. A fireball, flame strike, or similar spell burns away the fog in the explosive or fiery spell's area. A wall of fire burns away the fog in the area into which it deals damage. Duration: 10 minutes

Level 2 (fog cloud): The cloud lasts longer and is denser, causing 3/4 cover beyond five feet, and total cover from further away. Duration: 1 hour.

Level 3 (Stinking Cloud): Similar to level 2, but the vapors are nauseating. Each creature that enters or starts its turn within the cloud becomes nauseated. Nauseated creatures make saving throws at the beginning of every turn until successful. Each time they fail a save, they must spend their standard action that turn retching and reeling. Creatures that dont need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on this saving throw. Duration: 10 minutes.

Level 4 (Solid Fog): Similar to level 2, except now the cloud is thick enough to slow movement to a speed of 5, inflicting a -2 penalty on melee attack and melee damage rolls. Only a severe wind (30 mph+) can disperse this. Duration: 1 hour

Level 5 (Cloud Kill): Similar to level 2, except the cloud is yellowish green and poisonous. These vapors automatically kill any living creature with 3 or fewer HD (no save). Those with 4 to 6 HD are slain unless it succeeds on a CON save. Survivors and those with more HD take 1d4 Con damage each round. Those immune to poison aren't affected. Duration: 10 minutes.

Level 6 (Acid Fog): Similar to level 2, but the cloud also deals 2d6 points of acid damage to those in it. Duration: 1 minute.

Level 8 (Incendiary Cloud): Similar to level 2, except the cloud is made of smoke shot through with white-hot embers that deal 6d6 points of fire damage to everything within the cloud on your turn each round. All targets can make DEX saves each round to take half damage. Duration: 1 minute.

Permanent: When cast at two levels higher than normal, and a material component is added (2,500 gp. worth of diamond dust per original spell level), this spell has a duration of Permanent.