

2nd level Evocation

Classes: Inquisitor, Oracle

Domains: Cleric, Druid, Generic

Components: V, S, M (A vial of holy water and 25 gp worth of incense)/DF

Casting Time: Standard, ritual

Range: Touch

Area: 40-ft.-radius emanation

Duration: 8 hours

Spell Resistance: No

Description: This spell blesses an area with holy energy. If the area is desecrated ground, any unholy shrine or altar in the area is destroyed, and the desecration is removed, returning it to a normal state. Otherwise, if the location is an unspoiled area free from evil, it becomes holy ground. On holy ground, any attempt to summon fiends or create undead immediately fails. If such creatures desire to enter the area, they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. Even so, every minute they spend on holy ground inflicts one point of wisdom damage (wisdom save negates). When this damage maxes out, they are destroyed.

Leveling: At level 5, the consecration is more potent. The casting time of the spell increases to 1 hour and requires 1,000 gp worth of incense. However, once finished, the spell's effects are instantaneous, and the area is turned to holy ground for 1 year. During this time, all creatures in the area gain the benefits of a protection (from evil) spell. Furthermore, choose one of the following spell-like effects to be fixed to the site: bane, bless, fear, darkness, light, death ward, detect, dimensional anchor, discern lies, dispel magic, endure elements, freedom of movement, invisibility purge, remove fear, protection from energy, silence, tongues, or zone of truth. The spell effect remains in place as long as the ground remains holy. You can designate whether the effect applies to all creatures, creatures who share your faith or alignment, or creatures who adhere to another faith or alignment.