
Create Demiplane

7th level Conjuration

Classes: Oracle, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Creation, Generic, Planes

Components: V, S, F (a forked metal rod worth at least 500 gp)

Casting Time: 2 hr

Range: 0 ft

Effect: extradimensional demiplane

Duration: 1 day / level

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You create a small, finite demiplane. You must be on the Astral or Ethereal Plane or on a plane that has access to one of those planes (such as the Material Plane) to cast this spell. When you cast the spell, you decide whether the demiplane is within the Astral or the Ethereal Plane.

Your demiplane can be either spheroid (with a 60' radius) or block-like (with an area of 45,000 cubic feet). It is filled with air or water (decided by you). The floor is generally flat and featureless, such as an earth, stone, water, or wood. The "walls" and "ceiling" of the plane may appear like solid earth, stone, wood, or water, or they may end in mist, a featureless void, or a similar unreal-looking border. The plane's environmental conditions are those of a temperate spring day on the Material Plane. You determine the plane's light level (bright, normal, dim, or darkness), which affects the entire plane.

There are no native creatures or plants on this plane, though you may bring some there (if the plane's light is bright or normal, it counts as sunlight for growing plants). The environment of the plane counts as normal terrain for the purpose of effects that target earth, stone, wood, and so on. For example, you could use move earth to create a hill or wall of stone to create a barricade.

Immediately after you finish casting this spell, you may bring yourself and up to seven other creatures to the plane automatically by joining hands in a circle. The demiplane is another plane of existence, and therefore is outside the range of any spell or ability that cannot affect or reach other planes. Creatures can only enter the plane by the use of planar travel magic such as astral projection, etherealness, or plane shift. You are considered "very familiar" with your entire demiplane.

As a standard action, you may eject a creature from your demiplane. The creature may resist with a Wisdom saving throw. An ejected creature goes to the closest plane to your demiplane (usually the Astral Plane or the Ethereal Plane, but if you cast this spell on the Material Plane, the creature is sent to the Material Plane). When the spell ends, the plane dissolves, and all creatures in the plane are ejected in this manner with no saving throw. The plane cannot be dispelled, but a creature on the plane can destroy it by using mage's disjunction, miracle, or wish and making a successful dispel check.

If you are within a demiplane you have created, you can add to its area by casting the spell again. Alternatively, you may cast this spell again to reset the duration of an existing area to that of your latest casting. If the duration on one area of the demiplane ends and other parts remain, creatures in the expiring area are shunted to remaining areas. If a collapsing portion of the demiplane would leave one section cut off from other sections of the demiplane (for example, if there were three areas connected in a straight line and the center part expired), the stranded sections count as separate demiplanes under your control. You may reconnect these stranded sections by casting the spell again to create a linked area between the two.


· Level 8: The size of the demiplane you can create or the amount you increase an existing demiplane is twice as large.

· Level 9: The size of the demiplane you can create or the amount you increase an existing demiplane is three times as large. Alternately, if you cast this spell from the Ethereal Plane, you can grow a permanent demiplane. Doing so requires one week of spellcasting time in the ethereal plane and a 1 XP cost. After casting, the radius of the new demiplane grows at a rate of 1 foot per day until it reaches a 180-foot radius. Subsequent castings at level 9 can continue to grow the demiplane's radius by an additional 180 feet. Demiplanes created in this manner are automatically permanent.