
Curse Of Night

8th level Evocation

Classes: Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Affliction, Fallen Druid, Generic, Night

Components: V, S, F (jet gemstones worth a total of 10,000 gp)

Casting Time: 10 min

Range: Touch

Area: 1-mile radius emanating from the touched point

Duration: Permanent (D)

Spell Resistance: No

Description: By touching the ground, you curse an area to remain in bleak darkness. The focus merges into the cursed area as part of the spell and can only be retrieved if the curse is lifted. Nonmagical light and magical light sources that produce normal light create only dim light in the cursed area, and even direct sunlight leads to only an ambient dim light in the area (similar to a full moon). Twilight and night are always dark. Creatures harmed or weakened by daylight can move about during the day in this area and the only impairment they take from the dimmed sunlight is that they become dazzled in its area. Plant growth in the area is stunted, as per the stunt growth usage of diminish plants. Any spellcaster attempting to cast daylight or a spell that creates true daylight or bright light in the area fails unless she succeeds at a spell attack against the caster's DC. Success leads to normal light, rather than bright light.