

5th level Enchantment

Classes: Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Mind

Components: V, S, F (a part of the target's body or a prized personal possession)

Casting Time: 10 min

Range: 5 miles

Target: One Humanoid

Duration: 1 day / level

Saving Throw: CHA negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You exert long-term control over a humanoid target, forcing them into your service. To cast the spell, you must first acquire the spell focus, a part of the target's body or one of their prized possessions. This focus becomes the link between you, and the mechanism through which you control their actions. If the focus is destroyed, then the spell is broken.

After acquiring the proper focus, casting the spell requires a 10-minute ritual, after which the target can make a CHA saving throw to resist the effect. If successful, the spell fails, and the focus is useless for any further attempts at casting this spell.

If the target fails the saving throw, you form a telepathic connection with them, and you begin the process of subduing their mind. Every time the target sleeps, they must make another CHA saving throw or take 2d4 points of CHA damage. Successful saves prevent damage but do not break the spell. Once the target's Charisma is fully damaged, they have no will of their own, and you have wrested complete control over their actions. Your control over them functions as per the control person spell.

Each day, to maintain control over the target, you must re-perform the 10-minute ritual using the focus. If you fail to perform this ritual, either because you are prevented from doing so or because you have lost the focus, then the spell fades and the target is free. When the spell's duration nears expiration, you can recast it to maintain control over the target. Doing so, requires you to pay the material component cost again and grants the target a new saving throw to resist the effect, but doesn't require the period of gradual CHA damage, as the target's Charisma is already fully damaged. CHA damage from Dominate cannot be healed until the spell is broken.

Dominate is a curse effect. Dispel magic doesn't remove it, but remove curse, break enchantment, miracle, or wish does. Targets who successfully resist or free themselves from the spell gain advantage on saves against any future attempts to re-dominate them.

Leveling: At level 8, this spell can be used against Monsters.