
Fist Of The Adder

2nd level Transmutation

Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

Domains: Animal, Mutation, Sickness

Components: V, S, M (the skin of a poisonous snake)

Casting Time: Bonus

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: 1 minute, Concentration

Saving Throw: No

Spell Resistance: No

Description: One of your arms turns into a long snake that you can cause to attack people from a distance. You can control the snake as if it were a limb of your own body. The snake starts out at normal arm length, but may be bigger at higher levels. Any damage done to the snake is split, half to the snake, half to the spellcaster. Once the snake runs out of hit points, the spell dissolves.

Snake – Attack Bonus: Spell Attack Bonus. HP: 1d4. Melee: Bite (1d4) + Poison (Onset: Immediate, Effect: 1d2 CON damage, Cure: CON Save)

Leveling: For each level above 2nd, the snake gains another 1d4 hp. Attack and poison damage increase as well:

Level 3: Bite = 1d6, Poison: 1d4 CON Damage. Snake can reach 10 feet.

Level 4: Bite (x2) = 2d4, Poison: 1d6 CON Damage, Snake can reach 10 feet.

Level 5: Bite (x2) = 2d6, Poison: 2d4 CON Damage, Save for Half. Snake can reach 10 feet.