
Flickering Lights

2nd level Evocation

Classes: Bard, Inquisitor, Magus, Sorcerer, Wizard

Domains: Generic, Night

Components: V, S, M (a patch of white cloth and a patch of black cloth)

Casting Time: 1 rd

Range: 200 ft

Area: Contiguous area consisting of four 10-foot cubes

Duration: 1 minute

Spell Resistance: No

Description: You cause the illumination in the area to seem to flicker erratically, fluctuating between absolute darkness and blinding brightness. The level of light in the area changes at the start of each creature's turn (1d10): 1 = Supernatural Darkness, 2-3 = Darkness, 4-5 = Dim Light, 6-9 = Normal Light, 10 = Bright Light.

Leveling: Each level higher adds two 10-foot cubes.