
Force Anchor

2nd level Conjuration

Classes: Inquisitor, Magus, Sorcerer, Wizard

Components: V, S, M (a twisted nail)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 120 ft

Effect: one anchor of force

Duration: 1 round / level

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You conjure an anchor of pure force that immediately skewers your target on a successful spell attack. If it hits, the attack deals the target 3d4 points of force damage and the anchor becomes firmly lodged in the target's torso. The anchor has no weight, but its wide flukes prevent the target from moving through any space smaller than the creature's size. The anchor also prevents incorporeal targets from moving through solid objects. Whenever the target moves through a square occupied by another creature, the square counts as 2 squares for the purpose of calculating movement, even if the square's occupant is the target's ally.