
Guardian Of Faith

3rd level Teleportation/Summoning

Classes: Oracle

Domains: Generic, Justice, Paladin, Protection

Components: V, S, M (a pinch of salt and a small statue of a guard dog)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 30 ft

Target: One spectral guardian

Duration: 12 hours

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: This spell summons a spectral guardian who patrols a protected location. You determine the spell's center and determine the kinds of creatures (or individual) who are allowed to approach that location. All others will be treated as intruders and the guardian will attempt to prevent them from getting within 30 feet of the spell center. If you desire, the guardian will issue a one-phrase warning once an intruder is within 60 feet of the center, spoken in your voice. At this distance, the guardian will also signal an alarm, with effects similar to the spell, either a mental ping or an audible noise, both of which can wake you from your sleep. If the intruder approaches the 30-foot range, the guardian will move to stand between him and the center. No matter where the intruder moves, the guardian will intercept and place himself in front. It's not possible to fool the guardian, nor can one shoot a ranged weapon through it. The guardian is physically substantive and can prevent movement through its space. The guardian isn't harmed by normal damage, though a dispel magic or a disintegrate spell will remove it. Passing by the guardian requires an opposed Str check and the guardian grapples as a Str 24 (+7) fighter.

The guardian has a failsafe mechanism in case an intruder passes by it, either by winning a grapple or in the case of multiple intruders. As a failsafe, the guardian will cast a first level spell as it dissipates (Web, Sleep, Charm, Magic Missile, Cloud, Grease). You do not need to be able to cast the spell to program the guardian with it, though it will be cast as if by a magic user at your caster level.