

3rd level Illusion

Classes: Bard, Magus, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Trickery

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 500 ft

Target: 1 creature / level within a 30-foot radius

Duration: maintained concentration + 3 rounds

Saving Throw: INT Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You create an illusion (phantasm) that exists only in the minds of your targets. When cast, the targets make an intelligence saving throw to recognize the hallucination as a fake. If they fail, the targets will continue to believe the hallucination for the duration of the spell, provided it behaves realistically. Any overly unrealistic hallucination may grant the targets another saving throw. As you concentrate, you can cause the hallucination to move or respond realistically. Once you cease concentration, the hallucination will continue to follow a simple script for 3 more rounds before fading.

Exactly what the targets experience is up to you, though the illusion must be something either you or your targets are familiar with. So, you could reproduce the sound of your mother and make the targets hear it, or you could have the targets each hear the voice of their own mothers, but you couldn't have them hear a voice that neither of you has heard before. Your hallucination you may only include perceived sights and sounds. Any attempt to touch the hallucination will automatically reveal it as an illusion.

Leveling: At level 4 you can include tactile, olfactory, or thermal effects in your hallucination. The targets of the spell can interact with the illusion in any way without realizing it is fake. At level 5, the hallucination no longer requires your concentration and will last for 10 minutes following a simple script of responses that you pre-determine when casting.