

3rd level Transmutation

Classes: Alchemist, Bard, Magus, Sorcerer, Wizard

Components: V, S, M (A shaving of licorice root)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 60 ft

Target: Up to 6 creatures within range.

Duration: 1 minute, Concentration

Saving Throw: CON negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Reversal: Slow. A slowed creature moves and attacks at a drastically slowed rate. A slowed creature cannot take reactions, bonus actions, or full-round actions. Additionally, it takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and DEX saves, and gets disadvantage on initiative rolls. A slowed creature moves at half its normal speed. M=Drop of Molasses

Description: The transmuted creatures move and act more quickly than normal. This extra speed has several effects.

1) When taking a full-round attack, a hasted creature gets one extra attack at their highest attack bonus. This is an extra attack, not a second action, so actions like spellcasting or skill checks cannot be repeated.

2) A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and DEX saves.

3) All of the hasted creature's modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed using that form of movement. Multiple haste effects don't stack. Haste dispels and counters slow.

4) Hasted creatures get advantage on initiative rolls.