

1st level Illusion

Classes: Bard, Magus, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Trickery

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Standard

Range: 500 ft

Effect: Visual figment that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level

Duration: maintained concentration + 3 rounds (D)

Saving Throw: INT Negates

Spell Resistance: No

Description: This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. You can change or move the image within the range as part of your maintained concentration. Interaction with the image grants those perceiving it an Intelligence save to determine whether it's real. Physical interaction with the image automatically reveals it to be an illusion, as it has no substance. Other than that, the realism of the image depends on the level it is cast at.

Level 0: You create a brief, visual illusion such as a falling leaf, an animal scurrying by, a face in a window, or similar illusion. The image must occupy a 5-foot square and only lasts 1 round.

Leveling: Level 1 (Silent): The illusion is visual only and does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature.

Level 2 (Improved): The illusion may also include minor sound but not understandable speech.

Level 3 (Major): Illusion now includes sound, smell, and thermal effects.

Level 4 (Persistent): The duration of the image is now 10 minutes and no longer requires concentration. Simple conditional responses can be given to the illusion in advance so it can react to its environment without your concentration, though as long as you are in range, you can concentrate on the image to control it.

Level 6 (Permanent): Illusion is now permanent, with simple, programmed responses. You can still choose to concentrate on the image to control it, if you choose, but when you cease concentration, it resumes its basic, programmed responses.