

8th level Teleportation/Summoning

Classes: Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard

Domains: Justice

Components: V, S, F (An object in which to trap the creature worth at least 500 gp per HD of the creature)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Touch

Target: One Creature

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: WIS Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Reversal: When reversed, this spell frees one creature within 60 feet from any effects that imprison it or restrict its movement if those spells are cast at level 8 or below. This includes any effect that causes the grappled, dominated, restrained, stunned, slowed, petrified, or sleep conditions. This also counters maze, temporal stasis, and similar spells. When cast at level 9, freedom also counters the level 9 version of imprisonment.

Description: Imprisonment traps a creature in a state of suspended animation, preventing them from escaping until certain conditions are met. To imprison a creature, you must have an object of imprisonment worth 500 gp. per HD of the target. If the item isn't valuable enough, the spell fails. The object can be any manufactured item (gem, lamp, etc.) but it must be held in one hand when casting the spell. After you cast the spell, if you successfully touch the target, they must make a WIS saving throw, or else they are sucked into the object and imprisoned--either miniaturized or turned gaseous. If you know the full, true name of your target, any spell resistance is ignored and they take a -2 penalty on their saving throw.

You can also trap a target by tricking them into accepting your object of imprisonment. In this method, you inscribe the name of the target on the object and cast the spell in advance. One the target picks up or accepts the object, it is automatically imprisoned in it without spell resistance or a saving throw.

The target is trapped in the object until dispel magic is successfully cast on the object, until the object is destroyed, until a reversed imprisonment spell (freedom) is cast, or until certain conditions are met. You may set whatever conditions you wish when casting the spell.

Leveling: At level 9, this spell becomes instantaneous and doesn't require a focus. Instead, the target is trapped in suspended animations in a small sphere beneath the surface of the earth (unless it makes its wisdom save). The target remains there until freedom is cast or until the conditions you set are met. Even a wish or miracle spell is ineffective in freeing the target. While imprisoned at this level, the target's location is not discernable my most any magic except for discern location, wish, or miracle.