
Instant Weapon

2nd level Conjuration

Classes: Alchemist, Bard, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle

Domains: Air, Creation, Death, Generic, Ice, Lightning, Night, War

Components: V, S

Casting Time: Bonus

Range: 0 ft

Effect: One Melee weapon

Duration: 10 minutes

Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: You create a melee weapon that materializes in your hand. You choose the type of the weapon, though it assumes a size appropriate for you. The instant weapon has the same weapon properties as a mundane version of its type, though the weapon deals 2d6 hp of damage and has the finesse property. If the weapon leaves your possession, it disappears in a similar way to how it was created, but as long as the spell persists, you can re-summon it as a bonus action.

At 5th level, the weapon is conjured as either a masterwork or magical weapon. If you conjure a masterwork weapon, it has a +1 bonus at level 5 and gains another +1 every 5 levels. If you conjure a magical weapon, choose one of the following types.

Shadow Weapon: Drawing upon the Plane of Shadow, you shape a quasi-real weapon that deals psychic damage when it hits. At level 10, shadow weapons can be imbued with the keen ability.

Force Weapon: You create a weapon out of pure force. It deals force damage and can hit incorporeal creatures. At level 10, force weapons can be imbued with the keen ability.

Ice Weapon: You condense water vapor out of the air and freeze it to create a weapon made of ice that deals cold damage. At level 10, ice weapons can be imbued with the returning property. When thrown, they melt away and reform in your hand just before your next turn.

Lightning Weapon: A bolt of lightning springs out of your hand, forming into a weapon that deals electricity damage. At level 10, lightning weapons can be imbued with the shock ability.

Wind Blade: You form a weapon of swirling wind out of the air itself. When you hit a creature, it deals slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage (your choice). At level 10, wind blades can be imbued with the thundering ability.

Corrupt Weapon: You summon a weapon of corruption, overflowing with evil energy that deals necrotic damage when it hits. At level 10, it can be made into an unholy weapon.